Offer: Get your dashboard based SaaS developed for free + get free hosting until paying customers


If you're looking to launch a SaaS typically you spend money on devs, project manage their progress šŸ˜¬, take risk and hope that once you launch, you will be successful.

Offer: We help you solve this part of the problem by building your web based SaaS for free (project manager, backend engineer, UI/UX engineer to complete the design). We host it until you get paying customers. This way you eliminate the MVP risk.

What you need to get it: A UI mockup or description of your SaaS user dashboard with up to 4 - 6 distinct pages of functionality. Email this information to [](

You get priority if:
  • You have done customer research, have market expertise or have existing clients and too busy to build an MVP.
  • Differentiated, e.g. not an AI chatbot, or crypto project.
  • Non-technical founder, since they would get more value out of this offer.
If you are set with an idea, have a plan on reaching customers and ready to get the SaaS built, but don't know where to start, this might be a good fit.

This is a limited offer as once the engineering resources are allocated we can't take additional projects for a while.

Is this legit? Yes. We helped a few companies launch this way that are successful. They matched all 3 bullet points above.

What happens next:
  • We implement your SaaS in a 4 - 6 week timeframe with a custom backend (NodeJS or nocode tools). You own and host the backend if you need to, or we host it on our best choice of host. We set up your github so you can make changes in the SaaS front-end design e.g. marketing pages, landing page, sign up, pricing and others.
  • Launch in 6 weeks!

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