What is a fair amount of time for lunch/breaks to offer your employees?

@lucianne Assuming you're in the US, I guarantee there's legal regulations on how much and how often someone can take a break. You should look into that.

If anything, you can always offer more than whats legally required as long as it's a paid break. But with that, I wouldn't put it in a handbook or make it official policy. I would only offer it as a goodwill favor off the books. Otherwise employees will expect it in times when you need them most.

But... If you're in a country with no employment laws whatsoever for some odd reason, you should model it after a country that does have employment laws. And this is a regional thing, so it's hard to give you specifics.
@lucianne As far as a lunch break goes, it takes just as long for a part-time employee to eat as a full-time employee

I guess the question is how long do they want to be at work. The more breaks they get the more time they have to spend at the workshop in order to get there four hours in that day assuming they are part-time

As far as scheduled breaks, I don’t have a lot of experience. I have customers who have a 30 minute lunch break into 15 minute breaks, but these are people who tend to work out in the field

Some employees might prefer an hour lunch so they can actually leave while others would want to forgo their luncheon break so they can leave for home earlier

I’m sure there’s lots of different opinions on this, but if I were to guess of 30 minute lunch and 15 minute breaks one in the morning and one in the afternoon would be most common

If the job is labor-intensive, people might have different opinions and a job that gives them a little more freedom
@drazhenkoy Haha yes it does take just as long for both types of employees to eat but I think the point of a longer break for working longer hours is less about the amount of time it physically takes to eat and more about time to relax.

Thanks for your input!
@drazhenkoy State laws really suck for employees. Our state law is that you don’t legally have to provide a break for anyone over 16 years old no matter how long the shift is. Can you imagine working 8+ hours with no break? It’s awful. My business partner and I definitely want to be better.