[OFFER] Selling profiting DIY website builder website (earning $54/month)


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Parakeet Sites was created mid-June of this year. Aside from the initial marketing "push" in the first few weeks after launching I have given it no attention, yet I've had a small stream of new signups (I'm not sure where they're finding the site).

Why am I selling?

I do traditional website design/development full-time and created Parakeet after losing customers to other DIY website builders - thinking "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". I very quickly realized that I have a hard time promoting both a budget website builder and a "premium" website design service. The site/service has received 0 attention from me since it was setup (it has however still gained customers).


The service currently costs $9/month to signup (you can change this if you want, but it's the cheapest DIY website builder with unlimited pages/e-commerce capability so I figured it was a good place to start cost-wise). The site currently has 6 subscriptions totaling $54/month (the subscriptions are through Zoho Subscriptions, I can pass this account over to the buyer) - the Flippa income report didn't allow me to set the income for November, I had gained another customer since October.

What's Included?

Anything and everything. Along with the domain I'll hand over all the social media properties (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and a handful of PSD files for marketing materials (sized for Facebook posts). If you'd like I can create a matching business card design if you're an in-person marketer kind of person.

Expenses / Software / Dependencies (IMPORTANT)

The actual website builder itself is a reseller of sorts (IMXPRS). They allow full branding so the customer never knows that you aren't the developer of the builder - the license for this is $300/year. As it stands right now the site will earn $648/year, leaving you with $348 in profit. They allow you to setup an unlimited number of sites so the license fee does not increase as you add more customers.

What's with the influx and drop-off of customers in July?

I was running some promotions on Facebook swap and shop groups where I'd do the design "work" for anyone that signed up with the service. It turns out that the laziest type of business owners that can't be bothered to set up their own website have no interest in paying for one on a regular basis. Lived and learned.

One more thing

The bird on the homepage is not a Parakeet - I've been told this dozens of times. If you want to be true to the brand name you may want to replace it with a more appropriate bird.

The bottom line

If you give this even a minimal amount of marketing attention it'll thrive.
@mahyrah I'm going to keep my eye on this. I'm trying to get into local web design and social media but this is something that has been doing well in my local area since hoping to bring in money since I'm the stay at home parent due to various reasons mainly medical. Hoping that I'll be able to bid on it for that fact since I have the time to develop and push this concept but tight on money (3 kids are expensive as well as doctors and such)

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