Online Growth Conference


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Hey SaaS Growth Hackers!👋

KickA$$ SaaS Conference is up this Thursday and we’d love for you to join us!

We hope that the admins will be ok with this post, since our only intent is to offer a great deal to the community.

👉🏼 On February 20th, we’ll be in a great company of 4 amazing speakers:
  • Patrick C. Campbell (co-founder & CEO of ProfitWell)

    Topic: Value Based Pricing (Lessons from 16,452 Companies)
  • Aaron Krall (SaaS Onboarding Specialist @

    Topic: The $20k MRR Blueprint (Step by Step strategy for getting to $20k MRR in the next 6 months)
  • Tom Hunt (co-founder @

    Topic: The little known SaaS content growth strategy that is delivering quite interesting results
  • Shawn Finder (founder, CEO @ Autoklose

    Topic: How To Triple Your Sales Using Sales Automation
Hosted by Nikola Cvetkovic (founder of &

We’ll be doing a detailed breakdown of SaaS growth hacks, secrets and strategies used to skyrocket the growth of real-life companies.

Here’s a thing - this will be our first online SaaS conference, and we did our best to make a great line-up with amazing speakers and topics. It would mean a great deal to us if you showed us some love and support. 💪

This is why we’ll be giving away 90% off the ticket price for the members of this community!

Just use code “GrowthHackers” on checkout at: and you’ll be able to snatch the full access for under 4$ (price of a single beer pint). 🤩

☕️All you need to do is grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy brilliant startup growth hacks, stories and strategies. All from the comfort of your office or home! 🛋

Let me know if you need any other information!

Hope to see you this Thursday! 🙌


👉🏼PROMO CODE: “GrowthHackers

Or just claim it on this link:
@jasdksdc That was my initial reaction as well, but since we’re in the growthhackers subreddit, let’s discuss strategy...
If you were them, how would you advertise this in this subreddit?

I’d probably write a series of 4 posts, one for each speaker, with some nice, bite-size growth hacking tips for SaaS and add at the end of the post that there would be plenty more in the speaker’s talk.

I would not offer 90% off because it sounds scammy.

Maybe organize a joint AMA with the 4 speakers.

Any other ideas?
@marioshroomed the 90% is too much, we all know is a lie, I think all you said is right and I know those things work, but this subreddit is the people who uses those strategies, we will smell horseshit before they post it.

I googled all the names, none of them seemed credible, so just start with that, if this people have accomplished nothing, don't promote them, just promote the content, show us you not gurus, you must have at least 1 good stuff, just post it, "hey guys we are here promoting this event here is what you can learn".

Don't promote: " The $20k MRR Blueprint " bitch that's lunch money for this sub, talk percentages, show results.