Only 10 sales in 9 months on e-commerce store. What am doing wrong?

@benjaminpatterson Okay, so with your brand/niche I would be targeting DnD crowd and similar. I feel like that would make sense.

I don't have much help in attracting visitors from social as its not my strong suit and am more of a google ads guy. I would follow similar brands and mimic what they do but do a gamer twist with it but the product is still at the forefront. Part two is I wouldn't be boosting on social, it's not targeted enough. I would be doing targeted ads to people with interests in DnD, Tea, Lord of the Rings books.

That being said your website needs work once you actually get people there. I would have left within 5 seconds of getting there. I'm going to roast it so pour yourself some tea. Check out they have sales funnels going, clear CTA, and you get their product immediately. Your first two images on your site are kinda just white squares with something behind it. I realize later there are words and those are your sales categories. The first one is shirts. Are you a video game clothing company or a tea company? Focus on your core business then worry about swag later. Immediately I would have a hero banner of people playing some table top game and some tea in the front brewing or something similar. This picture needs to feel like this tea is made for your adventure tonight. Then below have pictures of product (the tea) leading to the sales pages. Below that tell your companies story/purpose. I wouldn't put merch (clothing or cups unless in a set) anywhere on the home page at all. It also shouldn't be listed in between blends of teas. I clicked to your site because of teas and not a tee right? Get yourself a sales pop up with an offer so you can at least retarget with sales emails if they don't buy that day.

Cheers and best of luck with your endeavor
@benjaminpatterson Sounds like you’re boosting posts right? That’s a waste of time and money comped to running conversion ads through the ad center.

Once you have enough conversions, create lookalike audiences.
@benjaminpatterson I think you should rebrand. 8bit is retro gaming, not fantasy like dnd. If you want to stick to fantasy, you should do an Autumn Twilight blend with like cinnamon, a Winter Night blend with peppermint or something, and a Spring Dawning blend with maybe green tea with ginseng. Everyone with the slightest interest in the fantasy genre will get it.
@benjaminpatterson Im dividing this in two so it doesnt become a wall of text. This is just what you should do, the other one is all the problems I saw.

I saw your tik tok and instagram page. But I'll only comment on the instagram page

TLDR. Polish your brand Identity and display better your product.This doesnt look like a brand page, it looks like a personal Instagram.

I think the things that should be in your Instagram should be editorial pictures, clean product pictures, infographics, and brand lifestyle pics and brand motto quotes.
This might be long so bear with me.

This doesnt look like a brand page, it looks like a personal Instagram. Rando doggo pics, rando book pics, rando controller pics. You seriously need editorial pics.

I get that you are attracting the gamer/geek crowd but adding rando amiibos is not the way. I dont see brand identity at all.

If you are a teashop there is a lot of emphasis in the mugs.

Also the only packaging I saw was the bohemian rasberry, all the other teas are nowhere to be seen. There are more 8bit icons for the mugs than photos of your tea packaging. (ex. there are 10 pics for the 8bit wizard products, only one bohemian raspberry non editorial photo.)

edit: just saw another tea, your face takes more space than your tea in the pictures, and the solo pic next to it has your hand getting all the atention. packaging that looks exactly the same as the raspberry one, I thought they were the same.
Unless your face has recognizable value, I would avoid it completely.

Also you need editorial pictures. The pics with the asian colored hair girl were really cool. But all were dumped all together. Spread similar pictures out.

I like teas but im not very knowledgeable in the topic, all the leaf pics look the same to me, different packagings or colored tags help me. There are like 100 different cups in the pictures, I dont even know if half of them you are actually selling. I cant even see the infused tea, just a mug.

Also you need to improve your tags. Stay in tags mostly on 200,000 posts.and maybe 500,000 anything more will get lost in the crowd.
@benjaminpatterson @kirutu3 is absolutely right. Your online business ships tea, but you're selling an experience.

Get creative and come up with a story. A well polished intricate story you can inject your tea into would be even better. That's the type of thing that people want to buy into. Get them to want to step into that world where they can literally and figuratively taste that world through your tea. If your story is good enough you could eventually add in other products, mugs, figurines or whatever.

The quality of your website is going to make or break you. If you can't entice people to take more than one step into that world, they won't stay on your site long enough to buy your product.

Now I'm not saying you need to develop multiple characters and personalities (that certainly would be preferred) but you will need to make it interesting enough for people to want to spend a little time on your site.
@benjaminpatterson Marketing baby. I get most of my sales through online marketing and visual ads, if I am doing in person sales I will make in a day what I make in a month online. But online, I heave steady recurring business to where I'm stocking every day for sales.

Start with your pictures. A blank background, better photography, or if you want to showcase a book with the tea remove everything else. Are you selling the mugs as well? If not, show more of YOUR product. Create a Facebook page so people can leave reviews as well. Do you have business cards to direct people to your online sales?

It looks like you're trying to sell a MOOD with the books and the tea so hone in on that aesthetic. Make it visually appealing. You can pay to boost ads as well, but you want to give them something to look at before you do so they actually stay. It's okay to invest in your product if you're making some sort of return on that.
@benjaminpatterson I like the idea.

My experience: I would have never even known you sold tea if I came across your Tik-Tok. It seems like you are a guy who likes LoTR and tea. But not a tea company that sells tea. I'm not very knowledgeable about Tik-Tok marketing specifically but I imagine you want the thumbnail of all your videos to be a tiny promise about what the viewer will get if they click on it. When I just see a dudes face as the thumbnail I think "If I click on this all I'm gonna get is this dude talking in to the camera for 10 seconds." which makes me def not want to click on it. So I didn't. The one tea thumbnail I did click on told me nothing about the tea, nothing about your company, told me nothing about how to buy it or why I should buy it. I honestly don't even know if that particular tea was for sale or if you just wanted to show me tea and some music. Some music, btw, that had nothing to do with fantasy or gaming. So that was my experience on your tik-tok.

My advice: 8-bit sounds like a totally different genre than fantasy. I see that they have an intersection around RPGs. So maybe a name change is in order if RPGs is really your intersection. You should really focus on brainstorming. It looks like you might have skipped some big steps when it comes to small-business/startups. Like coming up with a purpose statement. Or a need statement. These things can really help you focus on your product if you get them right. And they are really really difficult to get right. Just this week my company hired a professional to come in and help us craft a purpose statement using 'start with the why' as a guide. It took 10 people with a very high degree of experience, 8 hours and 5 full whiteboards to craft a 6 word sentence. Spend a lot of time on the fundamentals and you won't need advice on what to do next.

You should pick up some books on social media marketing. The thing about it is that there isn't one big trick that can turn a business successful. There are thousands of little ones. And often companies will make very small changes in their website to A/B test little features that make huge differences. You should definitely be conducting market research if you aren't already. If you aren't literally polling people with spreadsheets about their problems with buying tea then you certainly aren't getting any more knowledgeable about solving those problems. I think that fantasy inspired tea could very well be the solution to some market problem but it is clear you have not discovered that problem yet.

Good luck dude. Don't give upon it. I would be interested in some nerdy ass tea myself if the right product inspired me to purchase it.
@benjaminpatterson As a random internet consumer who is adjacent to your target market, I think packaging/presentation is really important here. I'd consider buying fantasy-themed tea with packaging that really leaned into that concept for friends with relevant interests, or possibly to bust out for a game night that matches the theme. But with photos of loose leaf tea on your site? Not a chance there are way more convenient ways to get 'normal' looking tea. I had to dig into your Instagram to see any photos of your packaging which is decent, show it off!

Good and visible packaging combined with /@kirutu3's advice I think would go a long way. I could see people buying Elven Earl Grey for their friend who plays an Elf in their ongoing DnD campaign. Or getting some Hobbiton
Hibiscus to bring out for a game of War of The Ring.

As for getting in front of your target market that's a challenge unto itself. I wish you luck!
@benjaminpatterson Your website is absurdly slow, doesn't work at all on mobile, and doesn't look that professional. You need responsive design and fast loading speeds. It's important for SEO.

I don't think you should use yourself in the pictures for all the marketing and branding. I'd remove all of them. I can't really think of other products that do that (not to say that there aren't any). Focus on the product itself.

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