OSHA called us, what do we do now?


New member
We have a mechanic garage that my family owns and operates. Only 4 employees work there and we’ve been open for about 25 years. OSHA called about 6 weeks and talked to my brother saying they received a complaint although they never said what the complaint was. Brother explained the owner is overseas and they said they’d be in touch later. They haven’t reached out since and we never received any follow up emails, letters, or fax. Does this sound right? I’m starting to feel this was a scam or prank. Should we actually be expecting a follow up?
@johnb445 OSHA never just calls like that. They show up unannounced hoping to catch you doing something wrong. Anytime I have dealt with them it was a surprise, same with the DOL
@wolf7 I managed a shop for a couple years, OSHA and state inspectors would have the camera out snapping pictures coming up the service lane. Bud, I’m gonna pass this inspection every time you show up, take all the pictures you want.
@tasky And or from the gas station across the street. I worked for a tire company that got hit HARD multiple times and us techs saw osha over next door taking pictures (we walk to the gas station to get a drink or snack)
@johnb445 OSHA mainly wants to make sure the lifts have safety catches that automatically engage, everyone is wearing safety glasses, they may want steel toed shoes for all mechanics, they might check for paint/cleaners being stored in fire safe cabinet, they will make sure ladders are properly weight rated and functional..

You can go to the osha websites and check for requirements

If it was osha, one of your employees probably called in because they were unhappy about not getting a raise or not getting paid for that thing they did wrong so they were hoping you would get a big $25k fine for failing inspection, or similar

If your staff are calling in random complaints, next they will try calling epa for oil spill or oil storage violations, or they will call the dpt of labor, or so on..

Either you’re doing naughty things or you have a cancerous employee who’s trying to get retribution when you hold them accountable for their mistakes/actions
@marilynliddell None of our employees seem unhappy, we have only have 2 out of the 4 that aren’t family so the chances are low. Not sure who would have called in a complaint, just thought it was odd the rep didn’t mention what the complaint was either. Thank you for the info though, I’ll pass it along. I’m sure we’re fine with those guidelines listed but I’ll head to the OSHA site as well