Paddle requires domain verification for every subdomain you want to launch checkout from


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I'm developing a SaaS service and I'd like to use Paddle as a merchant of records. Tenants signs up to my service for a 7 days free period, and after that they need to pay a subscription to continue using the service.

I assign a subdomain to each tenant (e.g. and I was thinking about adding the billing page uder the tenant subdomain (e.g. However, Paddle requires domain/subdomain verification for EVERY subdomain I want to launch checkout from, so I'd need to ask their approval for each tenant that signs up to my service.

Moreover, at least to my understanding, the domain review process (see here) involves Paddle checking whether the billing page contains TOS, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy. But shouldn't the billing page be private to the specific tenant? How can Paddle access it and check whether its compliant?

Anyone else had experienced this problem before? Let me know, thanks :)
@jakeinatx Sell the billing as a part of the service and inform your customer that this is needed. Give them a terms service page as part of your service. They would probably need a separate API key or whatever to do billing on their site anyway. Or don't give them a billing page. Have them do the billing through your main page and charge per billing transaction or charge for the service.
@jakeinatx *disclaimer: I am with PayPro Global (a Paddle competitor).Generally an MoR needs to know what they are processing exactly and assure compliance as eventually they are reselling a product or the right to use a product, so from that perspective Paddle requirements make very much sense.

If the checkout page that you mentioned above is just for your customer to be able to pay for your service so there should not be an issue, though I am not sure what value having the same checkout page on different sub-domains provides here.

If the checkout page is something that will serve your clients when selling to theirs, this won't fly with any MoR that respects itself and is aware of the regulations it must follow.

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