paid a 1000$ for this design - roast our landing page

@theriz You seriously paid $1000 for this without any dashboard?

Many devs would have had done half the price and in a better way.

The design looks good but there are way too much inconsistency here that when I move from one page to another it seems like I went to a different site.

You don't want to give that feeling.
@theriz Can I be honest here?

Design isn't worth 1k. Except you agreed additional revisions regarding to feedback.

Landing page has just a bit of info, but this isn't design issue, but digital marketer's and content writer's, or whoever is preparing that content.

Overall, core itself is good.
@echidna What more info would you have on a landing page? I mean it's a join the waitlist page. So can you please tell what else would be required before you think of giving your email?
@toni_x OP said they paid 1k for design. Asked us to roast. My conclusion was that he asked if 1k for design was worth.

That was my comment about.

Would I join? No. Why?
  1. I don't need this particular service or
  2. I need this particular service, but I don't know that, because message wasn't addressed well.