Part 2 of Stripe shutting me down and kicking me in the teeth

@rhid1985 I built a payment platform for a client that processes about $350k a month and is an established global supplier. Stripe did the same bullshit to them because they processed a lot of foreign credit cards and held onto a quarter million. I moved them over to Network Merchants and have been super happy with their support and have not had any issues for over a year.
@rhid1985 I've had issues with both Stripe and PayPal. In both cases, the only way to get them to pay attention was (after exhausting regular support channels) do things like emailing their C-suite staff, post on social media (including Reddit), and make as much noise as possible to get the attention of people who can actually do something about this.
@rhid1985 Stripe sucks (closed my account because my type of business isn’t supported-yet there are many well known business of my type using them), I use Melio. Though it may not be the best solution for every business, they don’t charge you for your customer using a card, only the customer (though you can reverse this if you want).
@awakeninglife Yea you have to go with smaller processors that specialize more in high risk and other verticals "Disclaimer I have worked at a payment processor, and a bank in regards to merchant processing" I actually have a few processors I work with currently that I only send certain accounts to due to a lack of issues with certain verticals
@rhid1985 you realize they are doing this because the card company either visa or master card imposes heavy heavy amount of fees to merchant companies that allow chargebacks to hit even if they are low amounts, they care about number of disputes vs actual dollar or percentage amounts.
@613jono right but the ratio is low. Most banks have a line at 0.9% by count. This is straight from VISA "Early Warning: Merchant has at least 75 chargebacks within a month and a ratio of at least 0.65%. Standard: Merchant has at least 100 chargebacks per month and a ratio of at least 0.9%. Excessive: Merchant has at least 100 chargebacks and a ratio of at least 1.8%" Early warning doesnt mean crap. Its just a heads up to get things moving in the right direction. Its just stripe and square normally that will just ban people because they have so many merchants, they would rather not deal with it.
@rhid1985 I pinged them from my side, let's see if there will be any reaction. I am about to decide which payment processing to use in saas, so your story makes me worry.

But could you tell where this charge backs are coming from?

Don't you have your own refund policy?
Support replied in a day, so at least they are replying and doing it in declared time frame..

I asked:

Hi Stripe, I am potential customer but I found opinion about you, that you block accounts in case of charging back and never respond if try to contact support.

Here is a reddit post from one of your customers

So I am wondering is it true?

Their reply:

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us, I hope this email finds you well. First of all, I’d like to express my appreciation for your interest in using Stripe. I’ll do my best to clarify this for you.

I want to let you know that this is not true. We strive to make Stripe better for everyone and to give the best assistance possible in each interaction.

When one of our users is not compliant with our terms of service, we give them the proper assistance and we even allow them to do an appeal and we run our investigations again or provide more insight about the reason why the situation is presenting itself.

Here at Stripe customer satisfaction is our top priority so I want to make sure all your doubts are cleared and your concerns are taken care of. If you have any other questions or concerns do not hesitate to let me know, I will be more than happy to help you.

Have an amazing day,


So maybe you try contact them again?
@rhid1985 Wont go into a billion lines of detail because I'm tired.
But long story short something similar happened to us last year.
Got an email from stripe saying that we had 7 days to pack our shit basically.
0 Disputes, but one of the invoices had the term "social signals" on it. Well turns out social media promotion services are against the stripe TOS. Not something we offered.
Anyway, there was no way to appeal this decision.
Support felt "sorry" for me but couldn't offer a solution.
We have since moved to Braintree and couldn't be happier.


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