Passbox - a digital safety deposit box to share your data after you're dead


New member
Hi y'all, I've got some easy pickings here roast-wise. Presenting Passbox - Your Digital Safety Deposit Box.


I made it so that you can curate/create various confidential data in the app that can later (read: after your death) be accessed by persons you designate with. They wouldn't have access to your data right away but can instead request access. If the request goes un-denied by you over N-days (currently a choice of: 1, 3 or 7 days configurable by the user) then the requesting user will be given access if they can produce a pre-disclosed access key code.

This is made for folks who have any sensitive data or credentials that they would like to be made available to folks if they died, went missing or became incapacitated. If you would share that data with persons today then you're better off with something like a password manager that allows instant access.

The Market

Passbox is kind of in its own segment of digital trust / escrow and password manager mix where the usual incumbents come to mind (1Password, LastPass, DashLane, etc...). This permission/sharing model is not their main focus which is a differentiator.

Product Stage / Investment Needs

I've got a fully functional and simple product at the moment and working on launching it (in the sense of promoting it on the interwebz and otherwise).

It's completely bootstrapped at the moment and I'm not currently seeking funding.

Customer Acquisition

TBD. In all honesty I'm a developer that started this as a side project and figured it'd be something the broader world may be interested in. I'm working on wearing my business development/sales/marketing hats at the moment.

Why me?

As a millennial (here we go) I've got a fair amount of digital assets (not solely financial - think photos, contact lists). After buying my motorcycle I thought that if I wiped out on it as a single, unmarried dude, no one would have access to my iPhone, MacBook or know what all my financial accounts are etc. That made me uncomfortable and I thought at least my mom should have that stuff just in case. The problem there, however, was that I didn't like the idea of writing it all down in a word document or so in an insecure way on top of not wanting for her to have free rein over all my stuff. That's how the idea for Passbox was born. I wanted to define what I'd like her to have, stored securely and accessible by her as needed and no time before then.

I'm a solo founder at the moment with a software development background and currently helped build out a business intelligence SaaS product that was acquired in the last year.

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