Pay to talk to people?


New member
Hey y'all,

I've been thinking about developing an app where you can pay to talk to someone when you need to vent or share your thoughts. Instead of waiting for friends to be available when I'm lonely I could just pay someone on the internet 5$ for like 15-30min of their time.

I tried using Fiverr for this but it is a bit cumbersome, so an app designed specifically for this may be easier.

I've also tried some free apps, (Goodnight, Wakie, etc.) but they often take too long to connect me with someone, and many users are just horny guys...

What do you think?
@missgiver I think it does have potential, but as also other comments mention, you will need to take actions how to ensure this app does not have same drawbacks like the apps you tried.

Why I believe it does have potential - there are groups of people - like people with disabilities, or stay at home moments, who will be happy to talk and show empathy and earn some money for it.

Some thoughts how to prevent bad players

- feedback mechanism

- vetting of candidates before they are added to the app

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