Pet food delivery

@thomas453 I'm in UK and never heard of them. Don't underestimate the difficulty a company has in leaving territory they know and understand and trying to replicate their business elsewhere.

Money can be thrown at any problem, but at that point it may stop being considered worthwhile or profitable.
@sincerelykelsay It’s possible, but I’d take a look at whether there are major barriers to entry for this type of business in this market. I don’t know the Indian market well, but it does seem like a fairly straightforward business.
@elanpro43 Too niche and ever increasing competition from companies that deliver pet food and everything else. All amazon or another would need to do to crush you is match your delivery window. I see you commented about bulk purchase power to add to your margins but you don’t think amazon could and would crush you if it gains traction? If you had something proprietary at least you could defend the business against copy cats or sell it to a bigger company instead of just doing their market research and when they see your model works and they decide to compete then your days are numbered imo.
@tolkien Yes Amazon could easily crush this model. But I wouldn't know without trying. This is a classic case of Amazon vs. Yes Amazon won in the end, but Marc Lore (the founder of Diapers) made a ton of money in the end as well.
@elanpro43 It’s not my money or time, so go for it. started in 2005 and dissolved in 2017 so it’s a pretty poor comparison.
The more meaningful point is they opened when amazon was not nearly as big as today. Meaning that competing with them was a possibility back then.
As you can tell amazon has grown tremendously in the same period and has crushed many others in that time. Amazon had a market cap back then of under $20billion, as of today they are $657.15b. Or about 30x bigger than in mid 2000s.

That said, your better trying to make pet food and selling it on amazon. But if a small margin and running around all day for it gets you out of bed in the morning then all I can say is good luck.
@elanpro43 I wouldn’t pay a premium for this. does fast and free delivery. I have a dog with allergies who can only eat a certain type of dry food not sold outside of vets and pet stores, so I’m probably your target market, but even in a pinch I’d make him a home cooked meal rather than pay a premium for same day delivery.