Phone Addiction Research - First batch of results - Can you provide your feedback?


New member
Hi all! A while back I asked for volunteers here for research on Phone Addiction 📱😭

Thanks to the Growmybusiness community, here are some early results (but still looking for more interviews, please contact me and help me continue the research!)

A) Problem ranking: Phone addiction comes with sub-problems, that have different impact to different people. Interviewees ranked the following problems in order from bigger to smaller:
  1. Time wasting (check phone, 20min gone)
  2. Decreased attention span and capacity to execute on mundane tasks where there is no external pressure (e.g. Read a book, a personal project ...)
  3. Low focus and low performance on activities with external pressure (e.g. work)
  4. Not being present with family friends, detracting from quality time
B) No Usage awarenessNo interviewee was aware of how many hours and how many times they picked their phone on average. This is key, because awareness of real usage is key driver for change.

People underestimated their usage and were shocked in some cases to learn their real numbers:
  • Hours: They thought were using 2.5h / day when it was 3.5h. One user reported an 11h usage on the phone.
  • Pickups: Average was 120 phone pickups per day. Range was from 40 to 130.
C) Manual action taken

Most common were:
  • Put phone in another room
  • Put phone in drawer nearby
  • Put phone on furniture, 3m away
  • Have phone nearby but flip screen to not see notifications
  • Switch off notifications. Either completely or in Selected 'worst offender' apps like Instagram, Whatsapp, FB
  • Meditation / Yoga to reduce impulsiveness
  • Deletion of Social Apps. Reinstall to check messages, huge friction increase.
  • Switch off Data & Wifi temporarily
D) Digital tools / Apps used to reduce usage
  • Moment
  • Forest
  • Screen time (iOS) for blocking times and for awareness
  • Digital Wellbeing (Android) for blocking times and for awareness
  • Realizd
  • Flipd
  • Space
Thanks, again, research is still open so please contact me and participate. I look for having 15min zoom calls with candidates, really appreciate your help!

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