Planning to start a garbage bin pressure washing business


New member
Hi guys. I'm in a bit of a financial pickle. Using this to fuel the fire for starting a business. I've got like $500 to spend. Planning to buy a gas pressure washer, some gloves, mask and goggles. Also, some chemicals to clean the grime. I've already made one flyer design (B&W), getting 100 copies printed from Toronto Library, I'm gonna stick them with tape on the bins in the neighbourhood on garbage day.

I've got a few questions for anyone who has done this before.
  1. I do NOT have a car or truck. I'm planning to go to the neighbourhoods on foot pulling the pressure washer on its wheels and carrying the supplies on my backpack. Is that feasible at all? I'm 5' 7" / 80 kg
  2. How do I deal with customer if I accidentally blow a hole on the bottom of the bin? (Never done this or any kind of hand on work before)
  3. Where do I get rid of the dirty water / where do I wash the bin if there is no gutter directly in front of the client's home?
  4. If the chemical solution bounces off the bin and falls on the lawn, will that kill the grass?
@balhinch Here's my 2 cents - line up a bunch of customers first. Like 5-10. Then go rent the pressure washer. Why? Might as well see if you can sell product and then if you even like it at all before spending all your money on equipment!

Or just start even cheaper - go door to door offering to pull weeds and clean gutters. Less money needed and you'll make money quicker
@javetuka This right here [sup]^[/sup] buying the equipment is just another form of procrastination that makes you feel like you’re making progress.

The only real progress is selling the service.

I would also recommend posting in (not spamming) local buy/sell Facebook groups.

No offense but my guess is you aren’t a marketer so use ChatGPT to write the post.

Use a prompt like “I want to start a pressure washing business that cleans garbage bins and I need help writing a short and concise ad that I can post in my local neighborhood Facebook Groups. I want the post to be focused on how gross garbage bins can get and the future benefit of having clean bins.”

To add to your service and potentially something to include in the GPT prompt is that you shouldn’t sell a one time service, you should sell a quarterly package. That way each new customer is actually worth 4 jobs. Don’t charge upfront since you aren’t established charge upon delivery of the service.

Use the $500 you have to 1 rent the equipment you need like the commenter above said but the rest should go to distributing your message.

Flyers are a longer game. Get your first few customers for free off social media with the strategy I mentioned above. Nextdoor app is another great place to post the ad GPT writes.

Once you get a few customers and reviews make a business page on FB and use “Lead Form Ads” to get your next dozen or so.

Take before and after photos EVERYTIME and do whatever you need to do to get a review even if it’s offering a $10-$15 Starbucks gift card in exchange.

Use the reviews as the ad copy for your Facebook ads and go back to the free groups you’re getting client to post the before and after photos + client review.

Something like “Another happy client with clean bins! “INSERT TESTIMONIAL” if your bins are stinky and covered in last years gunk comment “interested” below or DM me to get started!”

Hope this helps, good luck!
@balhinch If you’re walking around neighborhoods, maybe try window washing instead. Or general pressure washing as well. Offer whatever services are needed. Don’t limit yourself .
  1. Do some more research into all the things you will actually need... it's not all going to fit in a backpack and it's not going to be easy to lug around, especially after the job is done and the hoses/etc are dripping wet and they are on your back.
  2. Insurance, or at least enough money to cover the costs of a replacement bin.
  3. You are not legally allowed to dump anything into a gutter (research the EPA Clean Water Act) You can pump it back onto the property or into a container to transfer off site. Use a sludge sucker or sump to do this. Call up some local car wash companies and ask if you can dump at their bays for free.
  4. Mixed at the improper ratios, Yes it will kill the grass.
@balhinch If you don't have a car, consider starting a 'lighter' business. Maybe one you can carry comfortably, or in a bike bag.

Example: Painting address numbers on the curb in front of the house. Black rectangle, reflective white numbers. Cops, firemen and delivery drivers love it. You can cover a lot of territory on foot/bike - and you can use it as an opportunity to introduce your future bin-spray business.
@jadedjumpman You can't paint shit on public property. Not sure what idiotic town or city councils would allow this shit, but can you imagine thr mess if some idiot went around doing poor quality work when painting sidewalks. Would look like garbage.

The fact that this is done or allowed anywhere is fucking dumb.
@balhinch You’d be creating hazardous waste with the waste water. Make sure you follow all of your states laws and the epa regulations. Dumping hazardous waste is often a felony.

With that said, there is a market for this. I do not know what it would take to get up and running legally. You can try other types of pressure washing like fences or decks. That way the waste water only contains dirt and goes into the lawn.
@balhinch Why in the world are you going to do business? You would have better luck going and buying a lawn mower and edger..You don't have a car or do you know anything about how to do this. So first find something easy to do to earn cash until you get a small truck
@balhinch i dont know how much demand there is for this. they are garbage bins. Maybe can do a car washing business. just walk and see if you can clean people's cars.
@balhinch Looks like that truck probably has a giant, heated sprayer in the back, and vans are lifted onto it upside down? Sort of like a glass rinser? And it keeps the dirty water in a separate tank.

No idea if that's what's in the back, but neat and expensive if so.
@jojobear You're absolutely right. But looks like since I can't dispose of the waste water in the gutters, I can't go through with it. I'll try something else though.

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