Please Steal This Idea pt 2

@goldenangeleyes23 Lots of difficulties

Huge variations in busy time.. unlikely to be packed 5/HR. Gonna have swamped meal time hours and very idle other hours. Gonna get orders from east to west and north to south of coverage area. Orders to deliver suspicious/dangerous packaging. Difficult to scale (need to build your own trusted users from FB group). Group might ban advertising.

This is why you need a trusted platform with track record history that can act as intermediary when problems come and provide you with huge customer base access.
@goldenangeleyes23 They already do this in Mexico. It's a decent deal for everyone as we just text the kid who will deliver us stuff from the local bodega. Some of these even COME to you door to door offering stuff from the market showing off their fresh "pan Dulce" and other daily items early in the morning. Like it's already there in a basket and you just pay them and can request different ones if you want more. Kinda neat, but also risky as they do tend to get robbed.
@goldenangeleyes23 It could be an app, users can define their area of work, the users would be able to fill the restaurant address + the delivery address. The app would show “hey there’s John in your area who’s charge 5, and Ethan who charges 7”
@proprie I don't think the creator should worry about that for now. Once the app achieves a significant number of daily users, it could have a premium level for the drivers, providing some extra features and charging a monthly fee, nothing crazy, something like 9.99 monthly.
@proprie If you try to monetize something like that since the day one you’ll arrive in a dilema. Drivers will refuse to pay because there are no enough users, and users won’t use because where are no enough drivers.
@oldschooljenny Reviewing this series of comments I feel that I must have misattributed another user's comment to you or just completely misread your comment.

I thought you were pitching the idea of having a developer write an app for free (for you) and maybe they would make money 'at some time in the future'.

In that imaginary train of thought, I was arguing that a dev should be paid.

I'm not a fan of 'idea guys' that don't bring grind to the table, but expect others to do so. And must have projected that on to you.

Reviewing the thread that does not appear to be accurate at all.

I apologize.

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