Plz roast my startup: Clarity -- an AI platform to measure media bias, summarize current events, and make you smarter


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Hi Roastmasters!

Rohan and I have been working on a new project over the last couple months. We call it Clarity, and it's an AI platform to measure media bias, summarize current events, and make you smarter.

Rather than having to read through everything that’s been published to understand all sides of an issue, Clarity pulls together the top news stories and clusters them into topics (e.g., Conflict in Ukraine, Covid 19, Elon Acquires Twitter, etc).

We then use GPT to summarize how the right, left, and center have been reporting on a given topic, while highlighting any differences between the narratives. This saves you time, paints a more complete picture, and exposes any biases in coverage.

Clarity also scores the amount of attention outlets are giving a story, so you can see how individual topics are being exaggerated or ignored by the various tribal factions. It’s fascinating to see what each side chooses to emphasize, or where they are hiding the football.

There’s a lot more to the product, including an aerial view of all topics, timelines for how topics trend over time, and more.

Please roast this with the fire of a million suns.
@spaceigniter Love the idea and I think it is a product very much needed, I also like the comment below and it would be lovely to have it as a chrome extension. Will keep an eye on this product
@spaceigniter This is a pretty interesting use of GPT, I like it. That being said, I’m not sure if I’d be willing to go on it daily/semi-regularly to check out new stories. I think people are far too lazy to do that and don’t really want to add another news website to look at. There’s a few solutions to that though. A browser extension that can give you the political breakdown of the article you are already on (say on Fox News, CNN, etc) would be really interesting. I guess my other comment is how do you plan to monetize it? I don’t see any form of monetization upon first glance. If your goal is to make money, this application might be a tough route in my opinion. Ads can work but they can’t hinder the user experience and you’ll need a decent following. And I personally wouldn’t pay for something like this myself, but maybe others would who knows. Love the website design though. Good luck!
@spaceigniter I love the concept and I think much needed.

Some thoughts:
  1. I would want to see more info on your site (maybe as a hover or click for more) for details on your methodology- how you score, summarize, designate.
Right now, I think its good but can use improvement. Offhand, NY Post (and other tabloids) are naturally going to give more attention to items which are juicy/provocative. Right/left may play less judgement in what gets on their front page.
  1. Your target audience I assume are people who really care about the news and what they are consuming with what bias. That's a tiny % of us- and those of us who are news junkies are already pretty well aware of the leanings. The target audience and utility you give them has to be ironed down.
  2. Monetization- would love to understand the model.

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