Prepare Me for the Investors




Hi guys,

Am I ready for investors? Here's my pitch deck:


Equity for Hire (E4H) is an online business incubator where the world’s aspiring entrepreneurs are nurtured into launching their companies and products based on their ideas. It is a profession-agnostic platform allowing users to build any team for any reason, so long as their business is registered in their respective country. With E4H, company owners (or "Masterminds") will be able to team with globally-verified partners who have received background checks to ensure piece of mind...all while using equity as payment.


Starting a business is difficult and many aspiring entrepreneurs are not connected with mentors who can give advice on their journey, nor do they have the capital to find experienced partners. In addition, there exists a mass of others who dream of becoming self-employed, but lack business ideas, which causes them to settle for careers with other employers.


A system built to alleviate the struggles of starting a business for aspiring entrepreneurs including, but not limited to, the lack of capital, mentorship, research, and guidance, while helping those lacking ideas access to more opportunities to use their skills and become self-employed.

  • For Masterminds: Use equity as collateral to acquire partners, not money
  • For Partners: A means of finding jobs that magnifies career growth
  • Expand your network beyond your personal or social media circles
  • Vetted advice and guided steps from successful entrepreneurs
  • Background checks for all users - no catfishing
  • Internal chat system - no extra logins to communicate with team!
  • Objectives & Key Results (OKR) analysis - Guided path using Mastermind’s business plan
  • Internal task management system

Our concept largely resembles physical and online accelerator programs such as Y Combinator and Bridge for Billions (respectively), but we aim to be the first online incubator that pushes the use of equity to solidify great partnerships. E4H is the choice before applying to an accelerator program.

Key differences in our processes and platforms:

Accelerator Programs Equity for Hire
Chance to receive capital
No application process

Working one-on-one with mentors
Guided process to use equity to find partners

Dedicated time to prepare pitch for investors
Entrepreneurs work at their own pace

In-person connections to grow network
Easy transition into accelerator programs

Also, each advantage of E4H has alternatives listed below:
  • Using equity as collateral - Personal/Social media connections or classifieds, such as Craigslist
  • Vetted advice and guidance - Personal/Social media connections, online research, book research
  • Internal task management system - Countless task-management applications, such as Trello, Asana and Monday
  • Internal chat system - Telephone and various communication applications, such as Skype, Slack and Google Hangouts
  • Background checks for partners - Personal vetting through network or hiring a professional
  • Objectives & Key Results (OKR) analysis - Manual tracking or OKR software such as Workboard, 7Geese or Wrike
Market (Target)

Targeting the following demographics:
  • Masterminds: Users who are looking to start their own businesses
  • Partners: Users who are seeking job opportunities
  • Age: 18+ (typically 18 - 49, strongest online presence - Pew Research Group)
  • Location: Worldwide (U.S. release first)
  • Gender: Male and female
Market (Research)

**Hoping to get enough data on interest soon using our survey

Y Combinator gets roughly 8000 applicants per year, according to a media guest at Y Combinator’s W18 Interview Day.

Related Tweets:

(People are yearning for a reason to leave their jobs...) -
(People are searching for entrepreneurial inspiration…) -
(People are talking about Equity for Hire without realizing it…) -
Related Articles:

(Again, talking about Equity for Hire without realizing it…) - The Ultimate Founder Bootcamp is Another Person's Startup

Reasons entrepreneurs should use equity to find partners:
Reasons partners should find opportunities where equity is used:
More evidence that E4H can do well:
Market (Conclusion)
  • Google Trends for the phrase “entrepreneur app” over seven years show that the interest for owning a business is fairly constant.
  • According to Google Ads, for every one person per month researching starting a business, there are at least 100 people per month looking for a job. And according to Madgex's Global JobSeeker Survey, over 50% of jobseekers use job boards as a research tool to identify jobs and employers.
  • Using equity is a trend that is not only growing, but has less risk due to the rising activity of raising capital, mergers and acquisitions.
  • “To succeed with jobseekers, job boards need to push past the traditional transactional nature of find a job/apply for a job, and instead be a useful resource for jobseekers.” -- Madgex's Global JobSeeker Survey
Business model

Equity for Hire will have 3 business models which are subject to change based on continued research before launch (all prices in USD):

Subscription Model: A $4.99/month fee to maintain internal chatting system (powered by Twilio) as well the background check API (powered by Trulioo).

One-time fees: For each registered company (also must be registered with country), an unlimited amount of products can be declared. Each declared product will require a $299 fee.

Equity: For each declared product per company, 12% of the product’s equity must be released to Auratic Development, LLC (E4H's parent company).


We are seeking an investment of $350,000 to fully fund a year of execution. Funds will be divided among development, design, marketing efforts, server costs, quality assurance, legal, and content management. A more detailed analysis of cost is available upon request.

Return on Investment

For a $350,000 investment, the investor will be returned an ownership stake of 10% in Equity for Hire.

Exit Strategy

The goal for Equity for Hire is to be the platform that accelerator programs, such as Y Combinator, can be proud to harness as an avenue for their application process. With its features, E4H is slated to give stats on how a startup is progressing, which can complement the application process currently set in place by each program. As a result, E4H is to be sold or acquired by the accelerator program looking to gain a significant edge.

Progress so far

Planning is completed (minus changes) and design is underway. We have a team of five including a designer, legal counselor, marketing specialist, content coordinator, and myself, the Founder/CTO. All monies to acquire these talents are being funded on my own until investments are earned. Also, we have a website running to capture emails for interested parties:

Thank you for your time.
@truthevenifyouhateit I got nothing, good idea. Only challenge I see is that equity only work is often asked for but rarely feasible from my experience. I think you will get a lot of sign ups which is good but I'm not sure I believe they will find a lot of success, but you'll be able to make something work.
@brucee Thank you for the compliment and the insight. Yeah I've done a few equity-only partnerships and some may possibly pan out; most didn't. The ones that didn't were mainly due to the team's dynamic. While Equity for Hire will allow companies to operate on their own, we are setting up the platform to allow for interview processes along with soft-skill tips and guidance to help Masterminds choose the best partners for their teams.

We won't claim to be the magic sauce that helps companies be successful. We only want to be the household name that provides a nurturing environment for entrepreneurs to get started.
@truthevenifyouhateit LMAO, I would laugh you out of the room. You think this is market research?


Twitter hashtag use last six months (Feb 9, 2019 - July 9, 2019) -- confirmed by email with personnel from
  • #entrepreneur - ~1.4 million tweets
  • #startup - ~1.9 million tweets
Also, see the Google Trends chart for the last five years on the search phrase “how to start a business” worldwide.

(Sorry for the URL. We're not allowed to post images here.)
@truthevenifyouhateit A couple of things:

Firstly, I noticed your competition list and how it shows competitors to every function you have. What this essentially says to me is that you have created a hub for those functions. Am I wrong in saying that.

Secondly, your return on investment is unclear. From what I saw, the return is 3% of the fees you collect from users. Does this mean that no actual shares, voting or non-voting of your establishment are being exchanged? If so, you're pitching more of a loan than an investment.
Firstly, I noticed your competition list and how it shows competitors to every function you have. What this essentially says to me is that you have created a hub for those functions. Am I wrong in saying that.

No that would be correct but I would like to clarify that the bundle is a side-effect and not a cause. E4H is not competing with those peripheral apps but in order to be more useful to first-time entrepreneurs, we found E4H needs to be the gateway instead of pawning users off to create more logins once they commit to starting.

As we strengthened our market research (updates to the post soon), we found that Googling "entrepreneur app" results in an alarming amount of articles/blogs titled, "The Best (insert number here) Apps for Entrepreneurs". We want to be the #1 (if not the only) platform that shows up when searching for "entrepreneur app" because that would mean we are the platform helping entrepreneurs start their journeys. Conversely, we do not want to be on the map when people search (for example) "OKR app" or "communication app". Those accolades belong to products such as 7Geese and Slack, respectively.

Secondly, your return on investment is unclear. From what I saw, the return is 3% of the fees you collect from users. Does this mean that no actual shares, voting or non-voting of your establishment are being exchanged? If so, you're pitching more of a loan than an investment.

Maybe our use of the word "fee" was confusing but here's the breakdown as far as investors are concerned:
  • Subscription Model ($4.99/month): The investor will not get a return on this.
  • One-time Payment per Product ($299): The investor will not get a return on this.
  • Equity: This is where the investor will see a 3% return, per product. When a company owner registers a product, the owner will have to sign a contract stating that Auratic Development will own 12% equity of that product. Of that 12%, the investor will take a cut of 3%, so it will be more of an indirect SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) because the original intent is for shares in the product.
I hope this makes sense. We will work on clarifying the message.
@613jono Thank you for the input. You helped us understand something we need to change in our Market Research.

Other accelerator programs do the same, albeit the difference being they have competitions/interviews. For example, this is on the home page for Y Combinator:

Twice a year we invest a small amount of money ($150k) in a large number of startups.

The startups move to Silicon Valley for 3 months, during which we work intensively with them to get the company into the best possible shape and refine their pitch to investors.

And according to their FAQ page, they don't require a business plan and invest $150K for a 7% return. E4H has the same concept, but online, and is offering a 3% return in 30 products each for an investment of $350K. Admittedly, Y Combinator has a ton more experience than us, but we'll get there.

For transparency, the edit to our research is that we technically have a competitor in Y Combinator and others accelerator programs, but no online competitors. Edits to the pitch are coming soon.

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