Principles to keep in mind


New member
Hi Everyone!

I created a few slides with some key principles that IMO every Tech Team should follow. You can find them here.

I also pasted the content at the end of the post. What do you think of it? Is there something missing? Do you agree or disagree? I wrote those principles as a reminder for my next project with a small team of IndieHackers that I am planning to kick off soon.

  • We trust in the skills of each team member.
  • We challenge each other to think outside the box.
  • We focus on the goal and don’t get lost in endless discussions.
  • We aim to write efficient code, focusing on achieving functionality with minimal complexity.
  • We only select dependencies that offer long-term maintainability.
  • We quickly adapt and deliver new features.
  • Functionality should be self-evident, minimizing the need for explanations.
  • Beauty and functionality go hand-in-hand.
  • We believe in open communication with our users.
  • We work remotely. We don’t waste time commuting.
  • We keep our promises and deliver.
  • We are readily available for quick chats.
  • We are building a thriving community from the very beginning.
  • We don’t fake results. We value our community.
  • We keep our community informed through regular product updates.

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