Realizing you traded you 9-5 for a 24/7 because you wanted to build something of your own

@bobbiep I feel it’s actually possible if you’re highly efficient, know what you’re doing, and extremely good at delegating / automating.

I say this because i aspire to be like this 😅
@bobbiep See its like a tree.

When its in early stage you have to water it, fertilizers, etc. This stage is important.

But once it become big enough it sustains itself.
@andrewk11 Done that and kinda regret it.

But at the same time, I can't really see myself going back to a 9-5.

Started doing some freelance work on the side, and it helps pay the bills and ESPECIALLY bring back some mental peace while I work on my SaaS
@ellamarie Something changed in me. I used to enjoy my job. Now working for someone else feels absolutely awful. I can work all day long on my unprofitable project but even an hour of work for somebody else is painful. It feels something irreversible snapped in me.