Restroom Trailer Rentals. A Truly Sh**y Sweaty Startup. :-)


New member
Hi everyone,

I wanted to share another cool event rental concept. I recently formed a partnership with a mobile restroom trailer manufacturer. My company now does all the website and marketing for their clients. I won't mention names in case people think I'm shilling or selling... I'm posting this to share the business concept based on my learnings, not to promote anything.

Essentially these are luxury mobile restroom trailers for events, weddings, or long-term needs (think if a business is renovating their space but still needs restrooms for their customers or employees).

These trailers can be >$30k to buy brand new, so this is certainly not a "cheap," startup concept. The trailers can be two, three, four, five, or even more stalls.

Here are few examples of these businesses so you can see pics and more info:
Avg rental price - $1200-2000 depending on size and style.

These trailers generally have heat, air conditioning, running water, etc.

As a business owner you would be delivering and setting up the trailer, hooking up electrical, or running a generator, hooking up water, or filling the water tank prior to delivery.

After the event the trailer needs to be pumped out at a septic / sewage pump service and the bathroom areas would need to be cleaned.

The clients that I'm working with are getting leads and customers fairly easily because of how targeted this service is. There are a handful of large regional/national competitors, but generally people want to work with somebody local so at least they know who they're dealing with and who to blame if something goes wrong.

One of the clients I mentioned above has only been in business for about 60 days and he's already driven 50 leads through Google ads, SEO, and Google Biz Listing.

I just think this is a really cool concept so I wanted to share it with everyone.

Thanks y'all!
@lovedsecurefree I own one of these businesses.

The trailers are closer to 60K and can go north of 100 if you want more than 3 stalls, or extra features. Leads don't equal sales.

The two main customers you'll have inquiring are public-ish events where you'll have massive amounts of traffic and people mistreating your equipment, or remote wedding venues where the place is beautiful but doesn't have facilities. I focus on the 2nd, and this means 4wheel drive, heavy duty truck, and frequently offroading with 8-9K lbs of trailer and poop. It also means its really only going to work in rural / remote / beautiful places.

~1/4 mil startup cost and ~5-6 years to recoup.
@tammyhanery Thanks for the comment! Most of my guys are paying about 38k for a three stall trailer brand new from a great vendor.

Totally agree that leads don't equal customers, but my job is to drive leads, the business owner has to close the sales, so I was just giving metrics based on the info I have.

Respectfully I disagree with a quarter million startup cost based on the guys I've worked with so far. Some of my guys are getting their first trailer with financing that also includes insurance, and our marketing package for around 50k. Like anything else, I'm sure the prices vary wildly based on vendor, size, features, finish, etc.

Great insight about the public events. I'm sure people are a lot less civil when they don't know who's paying for these things. If I'm a guest at a small wedding I'm going to be clean and respectful. If I'm some drunk dope at a festival that might not be the case. Great call out.

Similarly, some of my customers don't like renting to construction sites for that same reason...
@lovedsecurefree I assumed a startup would be 3 well appointed trailers plus a tow vehicle, advertising.

That's what it was in my case. 38k is a great price. Would you mind dm'ing me the vendor i'm curious?
@lisas Nope I don't. That's whole other ball of wax. Not impossible, I'm just not setup to do it. You need portable equipment to pick them up and set them down, and you need pump trucks to pump them out and replace. There are some companies that do both.
@lisas Do a lot of research just to make sure.

I think the biggest challenge is dealing with the waste and not getting hammered in permits and water treatment issues.
@towerwatchman I kind of fell into it. Wanted to rent one and got talking and ended up taking on a territory. It worked out well for me because I already had the space to store them, the truck to tow them, and a commercial septic to dump them..
@tammyhanery Curious since you own a business for this: How much fresh water and waste does a 2 stall trailer hold? Do you separate gray and black tanks?
My fiancé and I are building one for our wedding and have been researching to figure out some of these aspects. Any info is appreciated!
@ambassadorforchrist I think it really depends on the design and builder. My units have 105 - 125 gallon freshwater and a 500 gallon waste tank with black/gray combined. The waste tank is the footprint of the unit about a foot tall. Making the waste tank 7ft x12ft x ~10 inches inside.

Hope this helps