Roast my baby names app


New member
I totally rewrote my app for finding the right baby name, and I'm trying to understand what's holding it back from attracting / retaining more users and being higher up in the iOS and Android app stores.

In my own opinion, the other apps you find when you search for "baby names" pale in comparison. Or am I delusional?

Please roast it!

iOS link

Android link

The landing page is here (though I'm not as interested in roasting that vs. the app itself).

Off the top of my head, maybe people...
  • don't realize the power of the recommendations engine (it gives you good recommendations after you've liked at least a few names)
  • don't see or really understand the unique metrics (for example, no other app/book/website can tell you things like the professions in which a given name is disproportionately common)
  • don't discover the "complementary names" feature that shows you other names you genuinely are likely to also find appealing
  • don't discover the name lists feature, which has some really interesting categories, IMO (e.g., names by political affiliation per campaign contribution data)
  • don't like the color scheme
  • don't like the icon
  • find it too complicated
  • want some other feature that it doesn't have
  • find it less fun / whimsical / something else emotional vs. the other apps
  • ?
@jeannieg Finally an app that I can install to my smartphone when I'm rushing to the hospital and I need to come up with a baby name on the spot. Because I cannot just open any random "most popular baby names" website, which are by the thousands, but instead I needed an app for this.
@karenwnc Legitimate roast. :D

True, for many people a list on a website is more than enough.

Others, though, find it fun to pick name options independently from their partner and then see the ones for which they both match (kind of like Tinder). They might also like the app's ability to automatically find other names they'll probably like as they swipe names right or left.

Some like the ability to find and keep a list of favorites without having to create an account on some clunky website. Or maybe they just like the generally smoother experience of a mobile app vs. a website.

There are likely others (name nerds) who are interested in the name data the app has that's not available on any website (e.g., names by profession, names with political affiliations).
@jeannieg seems like you have a solid amount of people using it that you could gather some insights from the data -- are you logging things like retention? where is the leaky bucket?

- is it you're not getting enough people to find your app (ads, discoverability, etc)

- are you losing ppl when they get to the page? (view the page but do not download)

- are you losing people at the sign up flow? (should sign up be easier)

- are you losing people after they sign up? (is it too confusing to use?)

@jeannieg Considering personalization during onboarding could be key!

Collecting details like country or city, or the starting letter for the baby name might enhance user experience & make it more tailored.
@jeannieg Personally I really liked this app. Nice UI, and easy enough to navigate between liking/disliking names. Would be cool to have a filter for names though based off of origin (I want a arabic or hebrew name for example) so I don't have to keep on going through a list of names that don't apply.

To the point of earlier comments some basic onboarding of ethnicity, origin or something may do this already without filtering

Also, when typing the title from my phone from reddit was a little long to get the result. Maybe a shorter/easier title may help your aso?

Overall good job though!

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