Roast Number One. A visual Q&A App

@yoseft That's not entirely true, but I see what you are saying.

Even though you aren't putting special emphasis on a certain brand, it might turn out that you are.

I personally know everything there is to know about Timex, the cheap watch brand. I have been buying Timex for years & know allot about them. For this reason, I might spend a few minutes a day answering questions about Timex such as 'Saw this guy wearing a cool watch on the subway into work. Anybody know brand & model?'

By answering these questions I am technically promoting the brand & possibly prevent a potential sale from falling through due to lack of information.

As a brand, I would have no problem rewarding (small rewards) the people who are promoting my brand indirectly.
@questionsandanswers Hey, I can't really judge your idea because I'm probably not your customer, and the best ideas sound stupid anyways.

However, I can give you a little nudge. You are building a marketplace app, look up "two sided marketplace". The hardest part of your app is building a community of people and not the actual app building.

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