Saas stack choice these days ?


New member
Hello, what is the most popular boilerplate these days saas-stack when you build your saas apps fast and can scale it easily ? It used be laravel-php like 10 years ago.

It could be opensource or paid. (Open source is better😊)

@hambonewc Judging from the answers these posts usually get, python is very rarely mentioned. Why is that? I'm a bit surprised because python doesn't seem to miss any required functionality
@dukedesu Yep Python seems to have received the recognition as just another scripting language.

We had some important backend functionality made with Python and it was the easiest piece of tech to maintain. Never had a hiccup.
@dukedesu For what it's worth I came here to comment that Tornado (async Python) and Svelte is my stack of choice!

Agreed, people sleep on Python because it's not the new trendy thing, but it's GREAT because everything in the ecosystem is extremely stable and bug-free.
@dukedesu For me, the reason not to go with Python in this case would be type safety. If an app is development, Python is great. Once you are in maintenance mode and have a lot of other things on your mind, it is easier to make mistakes when you need to quickly fix a bug or add a small feature. That’s when it usually costs me more time. The larger an application gets, the more important type safety becomes.
@credwi88 Type hints are commonly used in python. Coupled with FastAPI and Pydantic builds a great stack.

FastAPI outputs openAPI schema which can be converted to type safe TS react query endpoints for the FE.
@froh116 interesting stack :) type hints are fine, but you need discipline not to forget about them. They kind of 'broke' down in my usage as soon as I wanted to return a dict. When the function gets called in multiple places, it gets harder to track which keys inside that dict are used and which are not. I'm sure there's a solution for that as well, so I welcome any suggestions because it is interesting to learn. That said, I just wanted to contribute a (my) point of view for not choosing python for a SaaS stack. Python and many of the frameworks mentioned in this thread are really great.
@credwi88 Either Pydantic or just just plain data classes are would solve your problem with dicts. I see a lot of python engineers using random dicts, it’s just lazy at the end of the day. Takes very little time to build robust systems with types. If you use an ORM that is also typed.
@dukedesu I’m building my startup with FastAPI. It’s very easy to build with and is stable. Using an ORM like sqlalcemy makes it fast and bug free.

With the OpenAPI spec from FastAPI/Pydantic you can generate TS react query hooks, then everything is type safe between FE/BE.

My longer term plan is to outsource the FE and just give them well defined Figma designs to copy. I don’t think it gets much simpler than this setup tbh. And I’ve worked at large startups with ‘modern’ next.js code bases where it just becomes an absolute mess mixing FE and BE code.
@dukedesu I use C#, python for me seems like a nightmare to work with you use indentation instead of curly brackets are you nuts ?

I say C# > python. but I've used it for a script to read excel files so I say it has it's own place.