"@sama suggested ppl build w/ the mindset GPT-5 and AGI will be achieved "relatively soon" Can anyone confirm this?

@trying_to_make_it Source: trust me bro

- Person who stands to profit massively if people buy into the hype

(GPT-5 will happen and it will be a big step up from GPT-4, and it's good to build your startup with a healthy sense of haste and paranoia, but just keep in mind everything Sam says will be biased by his massive incentive to boost up OpenAI)
@trying_to_make_it OpenAI already said GPT-5 will be video, not language. GPT-4 is basically the most they can get without making gpt worse with their current models. So no, GPT-5 that you're and this guy is thinking of, won't be released any time soon.