Seed-level startup c-level management position - what comp should I ask for?


New member
I am about to join an early-stage start (just raised their pre/seed round) at c-level management position - not a co-founder but a key position in a core team. What kind of comp should I be asking for that will be fair to both the company and myself? More specifically:
  1. Salary, and
  2. VSOPs - what shareholding % is it fair to ask?
This will be a multi-year commitment and I want to make sure that I am fairly rewarded for the risk but that the founding team is also satisfied about the fairness of that arrangement.

p.s. the venture is based in w. europe and raised about $ 0.5 mm so far.

Will be grateful for any feedback from you guys.
@alicia0201 It's quite hard to say without more info:
  • what is the name of your position (e.g tech and marketing get paid different)
  • how many other hires do they currently have
  • are you saying they've raised 0.5 million? If so, in my experience this isn't classed as a seed round
  • are they making any money so far?
  • I will be running a function that is mission critical to the success of that startup
  • about 6 other people will be joining from day one
  • true - this is more pre-seed, perhaps even earlier
  • operations have not commenced yet
@alicia0201 So generally, look at what the market would pay you for a similar role, and then negotiate with the founders based on that.

If you think it's a risk, you can try to add more money on but they're in a position where they don't have much money.

Normally in early stage this is counteracted with more equity, so you'll have 5% of nothing for a while, but it'll pay off if it works.

Hope all goes well :) if you haven't been in a startup before, it's worth reading some general pieces of advice online on finding product market fit and product thinking whatever department you're in.. imho you don't have any time to do anything else in this stage!
@alicia0201 C-level titles don’t mean much at startups until you start scaling. And if you’re not a co-founder, when you’re pre-seed, with a c-level title that’s a red flag.

But essentially you shouldn’t expect to make more than you were making at you’re previous job. Not that it should be less, but about the same with the equity as a kicker. If you’re a co-founder, you probably will earn less, but way more equity.
@alicia0201 0.5mm is a pre-seed stage.

The ideal is that you negotiate conditions that are the minimum for you but make a list of tasks and, as these objectives are met, actions and contractual improvements are released.

Tell them that you want between 5-10% of the company (this is possible with Phantom shares), that it be released according to the objectives and salary increase, so they will know that they are betting on someone who will get them where they want without paying on day 1 and you will become essential while you achieve a good percentage.

Hope this idea can help you.