Shareholdr -- update


New member
Hi everyone!

Two weeks ago, my cofounder and I launched Shareholdr — an app that lets you listen to startup essays by PG, Sam Altman, Jessica Livingston, and Marc Andreessen.

After the launch, we got a bunch of great feedback so I wanted to do a quick followup post on the changes we've made.

  1. Now all essays are read in the author's voice
  2. Added listening speed controls: .75x, 1.25x, 1.5x, and 2x
  3. Added essays by Paul Buchheit, Travis Kalanick, and the entire YC blog archive (read in Michael Seibel's voice)
  4. Added a share button to each essay
  5. Added optional X sign-in to let you keep track of which essays you've listened to
  6. Added a like button so you can save your favorite essays
  7. Added listen count to each essay
Planning to add Bill Gurley and Ben Horowitz's blog posts in the next update.

We're working hard to make Shareholdr an incredible resource for founders, so let me know if you'd like us to add any specific author or what features would make it more useful to you.

Also, we created a discord to keep track of feedback.