Sharing my success story of building an AI startup as a 19 y/o (now selling it)!!


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I'm a CS undergraduate, I have been working in tech for 3 years right now , I always look for things that would make me go beyond my limits. So this time i thought to launch an AI tool called TimeStamper, which basically generates timestamps/chapters for YouTube videos with just a link. It is specifically tailored for long-form content creators to create timestamps in less than 15 seconds, saving hours of manual effort.

i built this tool in 2 days and then i unofficially launched the tool to test if people would buy the product or not. and people bought it, after that i launched it on product hunt, 200+ loved the product, timestamper was at the #4 product of the day, and got my first 10 customers that day. ( Overall, 4 days from building to launching to acquiring customers, and a really good leverage that i have ever built + i invested $0 in it.

After getting a few customers, I took a break to figure out where I wanted to take this. I think I'm still young, with many things to build and learn throughout my career. Currently, I have a few priorities that I want to focus on right now, or it might be too late.

so currently i have decided to sell TimeStamper. i have never been so bullish on a tool before, and i definitely believe TimeStamper is a valuable tool for youtube creators who are in podcasts, sports discussions, gameplay, live streams, tutorials, and more (long form content), who require timestamp creation for all of their videos.

Apart from this, i have talked with 40+ youtube creators regarding timestamp creation, got their insights on how they create timestamps.

If you are someone who is looking to buy a tool that enhances the work of video creators, I'm more than happy to discuss the desired features from potential customers that could be integrated and how TimeStamper could be scaled to a new level. I think this is a huge opportunity to provide something like this to video creators, and it is something very few are effectively addressing and building accurate timestamp generation. It can be a game-changer if it is marketed properly

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