Sharing the list of sources that can bring traffic for your SaaS


New member
After pivoting multiple times, I've finally got the "alpha" version of our new product ready.

So, I decided to jot down potential traffic sources for my SaaS and figured it might help others too.

I'm not an expert, so feel free to correct me and suggest more sources if I've missed any.

Here's the Miro board url
@jerrygg38 @jerrygg38 can you share what results you've got from those sources?

I recently launched StartupUtils and what surprised me is people from Reddit and IndieHackers seemed to care more about the product.

I failed ProductHunt launch (didn't get featured, only few upvotes), and get almost 0 traffic from Twitter posting.

And still I made a few sales, so it's good to diversify your marketing sources, as traffic from multiple channels is better from one, which can fail and you end up with no traffic :)
@keneyhector Honestly saying, I'm just starting, and I will try to handle as much as I can.

ProductHunt is absolutely ridiculous thing in most of the time. How I see and heard from other people, Twitter can be very good, you just need to do it daily and long time to see the results.

BTW, what subreddits did you use to launch?
@jerrygg38 r/SideProject , r/SaaS , r/indiehackers most of the time, but try to bring value and don't spam "look I launched check it now!!" because people will dislike you :)

I feel it's easier to reach hunderds of users there than on Twitter/TikTok which include a lot of virality in the alrgorithm right now

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