Shop workers theft prevention options?


New member
Hi all.
I own a barbershop and have 2 foreigners working as barbers. Most of the time ,i will be away from the shop (1.5 hours drive from my home).

Currently , for sales, they will write down on a notebook. The shop don't have P.O.S system yet.

The problem is ... many times the barbers after the haircut is done, they don't write down on notebook and silently steal the haircut money.
I do have cctv but unable to completely check everyday because I'm busy with my work and also i stay quite far from the shop.

Anyone can suggest ideas to prevent them stealing money?

Edit :
Thanks for the advice and recommendations people. Really appreciate it.
I'll look into the shop & chair rental idea, sounds good idea. I also have plan to install a motion sensor at entrance door so that every customer that enters the shop i will get notification on my phone. By that, i can know number of customers in a day, and can use that information to compare with the record book.

Unfortunately, i couldn't let them go because hard to replace them because they are highly skilled barbers, and i paid high amount of money to an agent to get them. Finding a local barber is possible but they won't sustain for long time , in my country.
@orthodoxokie Just let them keep all the money but charge them a fee to use your shop and chair. I think a lot of hairdressers work that way. The hairdresser keeps all the money but has to rent the chair from the owner.
@orthodoxokie find replacements? You have 2 people who you have proof are stealing from you, even if you set up a system to prevent it, youre still working with 2 people who you KNOW are stealing from you, so you're putting yourself at a huge risk of them doing something worse down the road. Replace them with honest people.
@test2212 This doesn't prevent them from charging otherwise or using their own square. I think the monthly rent on Booth space is the ideal solution. He makes his money, they make theirs.
@orthodoxokie I think the majority of barbershops charge a weekly rental fee for barbers to use that station/chair as their own. This way you don't have to worry about the barber showing up late or not at all, and you just need a manager or two to open/close and you can give them a discount on their rent. All the equipment is the barber's own and basically you are providing the chair and desk space and those air blower things.
@orthodoxokie 2 solutions:
  1. Fire them
  2. Charge them for their seat.
  3. Charge them a few based on their monthly average receipts
  4. Amount should be based on their current rate of commission, so their rent should run 50-70% of their past months totals.
  5. charge them weekly.
  6. They get 100% of tips
  7. You get 100% of hair care products.
@jgarlits It is clear that this guy is running a sweat shop sort of deal. The use of foreign is a dog whistle to they don't have papers. They are hourly employees instead of independent contractors something that is standard in this industry and there is no pos or even a proper accounting system set up. I could write a book on the way Soo many people are in the business of taking advantage of immigrants and their cheap labor.

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