So I’m an AI scientist trying to come up with an idea for SaaS


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As the title says, I have been working in AI for 8 years now with a strong background in software dev and cloud systems.

I have been trying to escape the idea of selling my time and focus on selling a product.

I’m trying to come up with an idea but it’s a little too hard for me. How do you guys came up with your ideas ? And where to look for promising ideas ….
@nommie Won't it be difficult committing to a project you didn't come up with? Will it not just feel like another "selling your time" thing? What would be some of your ideas, even roughly? Then we can brainstorm around those instead of guiding you down a path that might not really interest you long term?
@cayamaka To be fair to them, they also asked for help in generating ideas. Some people are able to compartmentalize and think of things like this as projects to test and get in the game.

The best answer I have is either look for a problem to fix in your daily life — anything that rubs you the wrong way or you have a workaround for — or try ask friends about anything they wish they had in their working life.

If you’re super low on ideas, you could always pick an audience and try to take a look at what tools they use to make their lives/work/entertainment more tailored to their needs by reading their reviews and fixing issues they’re not addressing for their customer.

Only you will know your skill level and ability to create products. Be cautious when doing research, it’s unethical to copy someone’s ideas— make things your own if you see an opening they’re not addressing.
@nommie Browse the following websites for 2 weeks:

- Product Hunt.

- AppSumo.

- Betalist

See what products you'd like to work on, go and checkout their features, even signup if you like and discover the idea and the problem they are trying to solve.

Once you find something interested, try to make a small product for fun, launch it and see what kind of feedback you'll receive and keep learning.

With this method, you don't really need to spend a full time working on it, you can commit to 1 to 2 hours a day and see how you will progress in 6 months.

Good luck!
@nommie "How do you guys come up with your ideas?"

You have a SaaS app just there. That's the a problem many none creative tech nerds have. Solve it.

Process. Framework. Shower/spa/bath. Cross dept talk. Mix personality types. Mix age. Mix gender. Party and brainstorm. Interview niche vs world on a topic, difference is interesting. Price vs Value what you solve. Difference on personality types, age and gender as how to solve challenges - what would x do to fix y?

Create two sides. Have ideas (solve problem x doing y). Deliver knowledge to ideas (coding, marketing, bizdev etc). LinkedIn for ideas.

Structure big real world problems into details and do ML on it. (use your own app and get support from creative people and operating people to index this before ML).

Ideas kickstart. Creativity to business operation is hard (fun vs risk vs capital). Making good profit AND scale is very hard.

Goid luck.
@nommie I don't know how I come with ideas. But I do , constantly.

Here is one. The entire publishing industry is messed up. Authors write books and then query agents, sometimes for years. After they hook an agent the agent pitches publishers. Some of the best books ever written languished for years before a publisher picked them up.

Create an app that an author can submit a manuscript to. An NLP engine reads the manuscript and matches it with the types of books a publisher likes to publish. (It would be trained on all the published books). Publishers subscribe to find their next authors. In the meantime the app could give the author feedback on structural things like plot, character development, pacing, genre fit, etc.
@nommie Freebie and what I would create if I was an AI person. DM me if you want to discuss. Create the category of AIaaS. AI as a Service.

Hundreds of thousands of companies have endless stores of data. They all talk about using AI but none of them know how or what that really means. My company is sitting on hundreds of billions of e-commerce transactions, relational data, product level data, and more. We talk AI all the time. Nobody has the time or knowledge to do anything about it. Even though we have data scientists. If it was easy for us, we would easily pay a mill + per year for it.

Create a software that allows companies to hook up cloud databases, choose important fields, and then automatically runs AI for predictions based on that data.

Bring AI to the average business. Executed well this is a monster business worth billions with annual contracts starting at $100k and flying north from there.

But it's a big business. You will need investment, expertise, vision...
@nommie Stay close to a subject you already have some expertise in beyond data science. With your 8 years of experience you might have developed a good understanding of the space your employer is in? Or maybe you have friends or family in a industry you find interesting and they could help you pinpoint a problem in need of solving through AI?

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