So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…


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Hi guys. I want to pick your brains on this. So I just launched a branding and design agency with my partner. She is the designer I am responsible for pretty much everything else. We are providing branding and design services for startups and scaleups. We offer our services as pre made bundles which include different range of branding and design elements. Our aim is to be a one stop shop for founders to turn their business ideas into brands that will be recognized by their customers, investors and talent.

Website is live since 2 days you can view it HERE. What do you guys think? I expect nothing but brutally honest feedback to help us on improving our value proposition. Cheers
@taryn12 You asked for brutal honesty. Branding is usually ties in with personal selling. At least for the prices you are charging. Get out there making the calls, being at where your potential customers gather.
@reactcoder I’m not a fan of cold outreach if this is what you mean. We plan to build engaging content via social media so that prospects can get to know us and hopefully reach out to us once they are in the need of our services
@taryn12 You summarized your challenges. You ask for brutally honest. There you have it.

Your competitors can do for peanuts what your are charging for close to $2000. You may be better, however businesses see the price difference, the quality difference isn’t discernible from your website. Your only advantage is making the personal sales and building trust. Demonstrating why you are worth what you are charging.
@reactcoder I think you will always find someone willing to do something cheaper while keeping the quality decent, it’s an open market economy after all. We definitely will invest time and effort into our own brand building to justify the premium. Thanks for your input 🙏🏻
@taryn12 You do not have much market share at all and aren’t large enough to be scaled through the word of mouth. I think the idea is great but you don’t have a huge leg to stand on when it comes to justify the large price point.
@jonojim1337 We do in terms of our experience. The agency itself is new but my cofounder (who does all the design) has over 10 years of experience in branding and design
@rogerramjet I have nothing against free services to create a logo. If it serves your needs I am glad. Bare in mind though that branding is not just a logo, but a representation of it. Good luck with your business :)
@taryn12 1) Your samples are underwhelming and without context. To understand a branding project really requires more detail, collateralized samples for context, etc.

2). Your website is unfocused. You mention a million other things you do besides branding— too the point where your messaging is “Hire us for anything,” which usually results in hire us for nothing.
@kandrew Thanks for feedback. I agree case studies could use more depth. Regarding your second point: our core business is designing brand identities for startups. All other services are complimentary to that. E.g.: once we have created your identity (logo, colors, communication style etc) we can then design different assets around that like landing page, pitchdeck, collateral etc. Would you suggest to not mention that upfront? What would you recommend?
@taryn12 We recommend avoiding listing your pricing on public platforms. Sharing specific pricing details can potentially make it easier for competitors to undercut your rates. Instead, we suggest engaging potential clients in a more personalized manner, allowing you to showcase the unique value and tailored solutions your agency offers.

Furthermore, it is advisable to exercise caution when showcasing your client portfolio openly. While it may be tempting to display your satisfied clientele, doing so can inadvertently attract competitors who might attempt to poach your clients. This can lead to unnecessary disruptions and annoyance for both your agency and your valued clients. Therefore, a more discreet approach in handling client references can be more beneficial in maintaining strong client relationships and safeguarding your business interests.

Lastly, if your agency offers a range of services, we recommend creating separate landing pages for each service. By segmenting your offerings into distinct web pages, you can provide a more focused and tailored experience for potential clients. This approach facilitates clearer communication, enabling visitors to understand and engage with specific services of interest. Ultimately, it enhances the overall user experience, improves conversion rates, and helps establish your agency as an expert in each respective service area.
@taryn12 The site is well-designed, and looks nice. The portfolio examples look good! I would not display price - as an agency, you're far better off asking people to "request a quote" and get a free consultation than putting the prices upfront like that. You may be leaving money on the table but more importantly, it appears amateurish and is likely going to make it harder to close a sale.

Instead, have a landing page describing how you scope projects, emphasizing that each project is different, and try to get them on the phone.
@jhfreeman Thanks for your insight on the pricing. Our reasoning was that transparent pricing will be an advantage. We wanted to “productize” the branding service so that the buying process is simple and fast. We acknowledge that we may be leaving money on the table but we are willing to give it a go :)

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