So I started my MILLION Dollar Weekend last Sat


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Q. Did I make a Million Dollars?
A. No, but I started on my path. Here’s how:

I am writing this post inspired by the book Noah Kagan wrote with the same name. Go check it out. Or watch the video he made about it here:

Based on this I decided to stop procrastinating about the next idea instead I created a mock-up and now it’s online. With the technology available I made:
-A working website
-An automated email sequence that sends the emails including something important everyday. (5 days, 5 emails)

And that’s all I really required.

This would have been my post if it wasn’t for Noah’s books:
“I’ve always been passionate about online privacy and so I decided to create a course. It teaches you how to navigate the digital world safely. I packed it with practical tips and clear explanations, so you can be better at it yourself. Biggest thing is I made it free, I don’t think this material requires a paywall and more importantly it’s my first project that is gaining some traction.”

The real deal is to not stress too much on the little things instead work and create a mockup, ask folks if this looks/works alright then go ahead and then onboard costumer. You don’t have to make people make financial commitments first just put it in front of them that when you call them about the launch they would just sign up without another thought.

This course I made isn’t to test the money part, but to test the creation and publishing of my ideas in a nimble yet strong way.
If you are interested you can look it up here:
I would love your feedback and if you would like I can send the whole course to you in return of a testimonial. How’s that?
@huthamcauquan1 The thing that's weird to me about this idea is that you're offering an email based course to improve your digital privacy, but to use it you need to give away your personal info when signing up. That feels inherently antithetical to the stated goal.
@lucyflor Not really, because what privacy means is to have the right to share the information to the people you want it to be shared to. You can always choose to not enter your mail if you don’t want to sign up.
@huthamcauquan1 Sure but the information you are offering is contingent on the user giving you their info, which in turn expands their privacy footprint. How is that any different from a social media platform requiring you to create an account to use it? And as the old addage goes: if the product is free, then you are the product.
@lucyflor I get your point, the question I would ask you is- do you want privacy or secrecy? Seems like there is an overlap in your question. The reason I’m offering this for free is because I hardly spent $50 on this (domain,hosting) and use a free tier email automation tool. I want this to be the project that helps me perfect the creation/ publishing of an idea rather than trying to suck money from it.
Also you can unsubscribe with the link provided in every email.
@huthamcauquan1 Hello @huthamcauquan1,

Congrats on putting it out there! I have this book on my reading list, really need to tackle it soon.

It's looking great. Maybe a tiny piece of feedback is about the "Why Privacy Matters" video.

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in landing pages; in fact, I've never done one.

It's more of a "customer" feeling; I like the fact there are TED talks about that because it creates trust in my eyes (e.g., "Okay, that's solving an important problem"). But the video is quite long, which prevents me from starting it.

Maybe having your own < 1-minute animated video explaining its importance could be a great way to sell your course.

I hope it helps!
@glojoy5434 Thanks for the reply!
Actually many people I have shared it with said they had never seen this video and it kind of changed their mind about privacy from a dormant to the active part of the brain and made them look forward to the course.
Also I didn’t take the newsletter approach because honestly I’m tired of signing up for something that tells it’s one thing and is completely something else 2 months down the line. That’s why I went with a course.
Also I have 0 experience in creating and editing videos and as per the title I want this to be a weekend project that I then work on later improving it. I’m still a student so I can work it out.
@huthamcauquan1 I understand! Now you make me want to watch the full video 😄

That’s great; we’re all in the same boat. I like the initiative you’re taking as a student to release your project and work to make it evolve.

Keep hustling! 💪

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