Started a content marketing agency 5 years ago - $0 to $4,539,659 (2022 Update, Part 1): Lower the stakes

@lilbrenda I want to open some sort of an Online Business School centered only in training Influencers (or about-to-be-influencers).

It will be throughout an e-learning platform using Moodle, but I’m struggling with the peogram in itself. Nowadays there isn’t a full 300 hour program and all the info is completely scattered
@lilbrenda Wow this is actually awesome. We run, our agency that’s doing well right now, but all of this is eye opening. We’re not at this level yet, but definitely appreciate the insights!
@lilbrenda What’s the best plan of attack for client acquisition. I have numbers and emails of all the businesses in my state. What’s the best start… hire a commission based sales person… send helpful emails initially which turn into sales emails?
@alwaysthankgodforjesus What kind of business is it?

I am incredibly biased but I am always a fan of inbound vs outbound prospecting or cold calling. But it depends! You might try a combination — like an ABM approach where you target your buyers online with some kind of content or offer?

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