Something different: I'll create the best SaaS boilerplate and stream it to the public. We start tomorrow!


New member
Hey all!

I'm Michael and you might know me from previous community events on r/django - such as this, this or this one.


I see a lot of posts here on r/SaaS about success stories, so I thought about switching it up for a change. Of course, I have my own success stories, but this post is not for that.

After years of building SaaS products for the real estate/rental business, I grew a bit tired. It was then when I realized, teaching is much more fulfilling for me. I made (and still make) enough money to last a lifetime, so I'm under no pressure to "make this work".

With micro SaaS business blooming and dying daily, you might find my approach more appealing. I sell to individual and bigger clients, creating custom SaaS solutions that fit their business needs perfectly. These clients will depend on your software and can realistically not move away. As a matter of fact, I only ever lost one client, and that was to a bankruptcy of the parent company.

I talk about a lot of things related to this business style and am happy to answer questions on the streams.

As some sort of credibility, I did this in the past with great and overwhelmingly positive feedback. With live streams that were over 6 hours long. Here's a VoD from one of them, the others are on the channel as well.


Our next event with all interested django/SaaS developers will span over some time, beginning tomorrow.

The plan is to develop the best django boilerplate for SaaS products there is. Community members responded with requirements to this blog post and on discord/twitter. I claim it will be the best because I want to create it with as many voices as possible - thus the live stream. I will interact with any viewer, as I did the last streams.

The first live stream with be on Monday at 09:00 CEST, but Twitch will show it in your local time zone. The second fixed time is the following Thursday.

I understand that the time zone might be difficult for some. VoDs will be available on YouTube for everyone to watch later.


The planned structure for the first stream will be as follows:
  • quick intro about myself for all those that are new to the streams, like the SaaS product I sold to Airbnb and my other companies
  • minimal feature set for the boilerplate, overview is here
  • review of sent-in requirements from the community
  • creation of a detailed feature list in github
  • talk about considerations when developing and operating a (successful) SaaS product
  • different types of hosting, benefits and choice for our product
  • development with very detailed commentary about how things are done "properly"
The above structure is meant as a guideline. As usual, we will diverge based on what viewers ask and are interested in.


I hope a lot of you people will show up on one channel or another! You can of course also join us on discord for the planning and usual interactions!

Here is also a link list for all the community channels if you are only interested in some:

Please ask away any and all questions, and I'll do my best to respond to all of them.

Think this is a bad idea or project? Tell me why!

Like it? Join us!
@meahen Complete beginners can learn a tremendous amount. You don't have to code to benefit from the business and thinking process.
Let me convince you. :)
@starlight54 Interesting point to pick out of the list. While I would usually argue that it is best for the type of SaaS I create, I could also just point at something like Instagram that uses python (even django).
@starlight54 Seemed serious to me, so apologies for that.

The boilerplate might not even be a financial success, that's fine by me. I don't plan on making money off it. It has been requested a lot by the fcd community so that's why it's my new focus.

At the very worst, I will be the only one using it for my future projects. That's fine by me as well.
@starlight54 I get the sentiment and overall even agree.

I feel the same whenever I see talk about boilerplates. But I think my approach is different, and here is why:
  • It's not about the crappy tiny "micro SaaS" boilerplates that have been popping out left and right.
  • It's for something I used to make millions by selling highly individualized software. It's not some keyword riding and buzzword bingo bullshit.
  • I don't just create the boilerplate. I want to offer a complete developer's/entrepreneur's perspective and teach how to approach creating good software solutions.
  • My "offer" (it's totally free) is giving other developers insights into the real world of software creation. I shared all my failed projects on past live streams.
And there's more that I'm willing to explain if you really care.

If you don't care and just want to move along, that's also completely fine.
@chuck64 It's based on my experience with Django. It's already a boilerplate, but too blown, hard to install and use. And probably because I created my own boilerplate based on Flask. I wouldn't call it the best, but good enough to use it in several SaaS projects.
@chuck64 Haha you already fail because I can't use docker for some technical reasons. Another thing is I don't like docker either (even with overcoming that technical obstacle). And finally, I still don't like Django and not going to use it. I don't have any reasons for it.
@happychristian738 So what you're saying is - you suffer from seriously massive skill issues.

That's no reason to crap on a dude who is offering this knowledge for free.

I bet you are a *blast* at parties.

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