Sorry Yelp, Karma Is A B!@#

@shelzmike After repeatedly telling the last rep to call me that I wasn't interested, he went 'Fine, I'll call your nearest competitor and see if they'd like some help instead' that was supposed to change my mind. They are the pits.
@dokkush Dude! Every rep that has called me sounds like a 17 year old who just got their first job. Every time they call, they don’t know a thing about my business, despite our extensive website and REVIEWS ON THEIR SITE.

I recently had a nightmare scenario with a customer, who wrote a 1 star review despite being completely in the wrong. I reported it to Yelp, proving that the review is false and defamatory with a string of emails and phone records- nothing. So there is sits.
@dokkush I had a good rating on Yelp (4 or 5 reviews with a 4.5 star rating) without doing any advertising.

The sales rep called me when I was busy and couldn't talk to him. I told him to call me the next morning and he was very ride and would not let me get off the phone. I finally told him "I cannot talk right now, call me tomorrow because I am hanging up the phone now" then I hung up. The next day my reviews were all gone except for a single one star review. He didn't even call back. Fuck Yelp.
@dokkush Not to mention that this shit site has no business offering reviews on businesses that aren't eateries. Seriously, they got greedy trying to push everyone into their platform. Yelp is ill suited for B2B reviews and most companies (big and small) that don't offer a quick bite or a doggy bath.

Besides their shady sales approach, their advertising platforms sucks. Years ago they charged several hundred bucks just for a few hundred impressions. As a digital marketing expert, I knew what a horrible ROI negative investment that was. I told them to stop harassing our business.

Then they adjusted their platform to pay per click (supposedly) which would in theory be slightly better for the advertisers from a return standpoint. Still, this company is a joke. I sincerely hope they shut their doors down sooner than later. We can see which restaurant is worth visiting from numerous other places that don't use extortion as their approach to drumming up business.
@dokkush I ignore their calls. I’ve read and heard so much negativity about their ad sales reps that I decided to just not engage at all. The one time I answered after a few months of dodging, the sounded extremely annoyed, so I told them the owner wasn’t here to please call back later.
@dokkush They repeatedly called and tried to get me to buy 600$ a month in advertising. After saying no many times I go from staying around 20 reviews with 7 unrecommended to 11 reviews 20 unrecommended over the course of a week dropping 1 or two a day. Just found this post right now and finally I have an answer to why.
@shelzmike I've been in business for 10 years and have had several million customer transactions (probably a million customers).

I have 150 yelp reviews.

Imagine doing a political poll of New Hampshire or somewhere, in which data was collected over 10 years from just 150 people, who happened to be self selected.

Yelp is trash because their data is trash.​

@amyfrust Straight from the site itself was a quote from some guy:

> “Writing reviews for Yelp helped me improve my writing skills in my daily job and also to become a better cook at home.”

I've always wanted to be a better cook at home. Maybe I should also start writing Yelp reviews.
@angietrevino0309 To quote their CEO from the article "...a technical issue in flowing leads to our reps and a lower success rate in contacting business decision-makers by our outbound sales calls," in reference as to why they missed their numbers.

No shit Shirlock. Zero sympathy for these guys.
@angietrevino0309 As a business owner I can’t upvote this enough. I don’t know how many times I told them, “Stop calling me. I don’t need your services right now. I’m very busy. If I do, I’ll call you.” Only to get a call two weeks later from someone else at yelp.