Started my SMMA / digital marketing agency... here is how it has been so far... quick first few months in review


New member
Hello beautiful entrepreneur reddit community. I have decided (not just now but a while ago) to start a SMMA (social media marketing agency) / digital marketing agency in 2022.

I have been in business locally and on a small scale for a while but this is the first time I can see clearly how I can scale and grow and global organisation. I am not looking for a get rich quick thing.

So I thought I would share my journey so far.

So far I have...
  1. Made sure I understood how to create profitable marketing campaigns as well as have everything I needed to be able to do so for my future clients.
  2. Understanding marketing & management principles
  3. Niche research - I have to narrow it down more. I so far have a short list of about half a dozen niches that I see potential in.
  4. I have set up basic social media profiles and have a Facebook community group.
  5. I have been connecting via organic cold outreach to entrepreneurs and business managers within the 6 niches I have shortlisted.
  6. I am sending out 30 cold outreach messages a day and working on getting that up to at least an average of 100 a day 7 days a week.
  7. I am posting on social media, but that is second to cold outreach for the time being.
  8. I have joined the DMS fasttrack business academy, which is a 6 month agency/marketer training program. It has heaps of content to go through and has been really valuable. You get access into a community group and get coaching/mentoring through a support ticket system. They do offer one on one coaching for those that want it for an extra fee.
  9. I have also joined the adcademy agency coaching/consulting program. This is a lifetime program at the moment where you get access to high level agency coaches and digital marketing specialist as well as a course and community group. I got this one as well to get the one on one support for the rest of my entrepreneurial journey.
  10. I have purchased domains & software.
  11. I have networked with other agency owners.
  12. I have had no paying clients, however I have done free consultation work for a half a dozen entrepreneurs.
  13. I am in continual talks now with entrepreneurs through my networking and outreach, so I feel it is only a matter of time and all I have to do is access feedback to keep getting better and stay focused.
What do you think of my journey so far? Have you started a SMMA (social media marketing agency) or digital marketing agency? What did you do? How did that work out for you?

If you want to see a video version that goes with this first few months starting a SMMA the link is

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