Starting a Business - PayU vs. Razorpay for Online Payments (Need Advice!)


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of launching a new online business and I'm currently researching online payment gateway options. I've narrowed it down to PayU and Razorpay, but I'm having trouble deciding which one is the best fit for my needs.

Here are some things I'm considering:
  • Transaction fees: Obviously, cost is a big factor.
  • Ease of integration: How easy is it to integrate the payment gateway with my website?
  • Security: How secure are the transactions and how do they handle fraud prevention?
  • Customer support: Is there reliable customer support available if I have any issues?
Would love to hear from anyone who has experience using either PayU or Razorpay! Here are some specific questions I have:
  • Which one would you recommend for a new business?
  • Are there any hidden fees or additional costs I should be aware of?
  • How was your experience with their customer support?
Any other insights or advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
@lelam Don't use PayU! I repeat, don't. I have it on one of my hosting businesses. They block payouts and unnecessarily harrass showing weird reasons. I had to fight for 6 months over email just to get the funds cleared which customers paid through them.
Google it, there's tons of people complaining the same.

I switched to Stripe for my SaaS products.
@lelam PayU is shit. Poor tech. Poor documentation. Very poor support.

Razorpay is good. Good tech. Good documentation. Okay support.

Cashfree is also decent option. Okay tech. Okay documentation. Okay support.

Have dealt with all of them personally.

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