Starting a jetski rental at 15

@marfamu Try cleaning rich peoples boats at the marina? Either way you have to be at the marina right? At least cleaning rich guys toys, you aren’t on the hook for massive liability suits and potential equipment failure. Sell recurring contracts. I am not a rich guy but I like boating so I see people who use the service frequently and always thought it is a great recurring business model.
@nondchristian Thing is I’m buying used ones that are not in bad conditions and selling them when I’m done I 100 percent agree with u retards exist out there that would do animal like things while on the jetski and i hope nothing happens actually I FICKING PRAY but when there is high risk there is high gain I invested 3k in my old buisness and got 8k yes I was stressed yes I took a risk and yes the jetski thing might be stupid but I still have 6 months of saving up and I’m gonna make fuckjng sure I think of every possible situation that could happen and every mesure I need to take to make sure I don’t get hit by the impact of these problems or not get hit that hard also I’m getting liscened for the jet ski and I’m getting insurance for them not the liability one I still have to find out something for that which btw fucking scares me, but like I said I still have 6 months to think this through and find another solution and my dad used to own multiple boats so he knows how to fix them,

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