Startup advice?


New member
I’m 15 y/o, working on a startup. Currently learning the technologies and would like any advice honestly. Some dos and donts.

Learning django as of now.
@richief Got a book recommendation: Lean Startup by Eric Ries - hammered home for me how important validating your idea is over building what you think people want
@richief Building an audience [in a niche you like] would be great!

But I was referring to connecting with people, from different walks of life, and hopefully smarter and more experienced than you; so as you grow in your career and entrepreneurship journey, you'll have access to an invaluable network.
@richief Going to tell you soemthing I wish I knew that 15: if you want to go into entrepreneurship, marketing >>> development. If you can do both then you’re golden, and I would advise you to go in that direction. Look long-term, don’t think in 1 year, think in 5 years
@richief Can’t think of any in particular. There’s Gary Vee but it’s not for every industry and it’s sometimes a bit meh. Otherwise mostly from medium, case-studies, and studying the competition (wording, ads, social presence).
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert
@richief Big audience is great, especially for initial traction. I wouldn’t say you need it though. However if you build something FOR your audience (they need to have a common interest), then having the audience is amazing. E.g. your twitter is about football, and your product is something related to football.
@monorth40 My audience is AI based and so it my product. So I’ll try to grow my twitter account but I must say Reddit here is also very helpful and would be useful in getting early attraction.

Thing is I get really lazy when it comes to creating content honestly.

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