Stop Building AI Tools For Fu@k Sake


New member
Dude, can you spend ten minutes researching if your stupid AI idea is worth building?

everything now is just a template you buy a template ship a product and come here to complain why it failed You build a tool to generate content with AI to be consumed again With AI, building a business is not chasing the next trend; it is just you know what are you doing or you just templatize a product
@daninch 10 minutes of research? In this economy? Let's be real, we're all just one template away from 'disruption' lol. Soon enough, we will have millions or worthless AI tools that have the same functionality but different branding.
@daninch Yeah, I get the frustration. It feels like a gold rush with everyone scrambling to slap AI onto anything. But like any gold rush, eventually the big players like Google and OpenAI are gonna muscle in, and a lot of those smaller tools will flounder.

There's also the gap where AI's still finding its footing in everyday life... kinda like the early internet days. It's natural selection – the tools with real value and tech that actually works will rise to the top. The rest? Well, we'll see what happens to 'em.
There's also the gap where AI's still finding its footing in everyday life...

AI has been central to almost everyone's life for nearly a decade. All the ads you see, all the posts that are in your feed on social media, all the "related videos" that get presented to you, they're all the output of ML/DL-based Recommender Systems.
@asnyder That's true, but let's talk about how regular people are actually using it. They now writing essays, blog posts, and generating images with this stuff.
@asnyder Yes true nut its never been accessible to the average person. That is the game changer. Sure companies have been using it for the last 10 years, I never had access to use a model to help me do work or day to tasks. It's a big deal because it's now where the masses can now personally use it.
@asnyder Yes true nut its never been accessible to the average person. That is the game changer. Sure companies have been using it for the last 10 years, I never had access to use a model to help me do work or day to tasks. It's a big deal because it's now where the masses can now personally use it.
@daninch Agree. I actually thought about ‘templatize a product‘ last year, just like OP said. After kicking off the project, something felt off, so I decided not to launch it. So lucky I didn't waste too much on it
@daninch Disagree. First, AI is very useful. Second, if this keeps busy cohorts of devs and SaaS-wanabees, then great !This will divert them from doing all the cool non-AI stuff that I can do :)

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