It took me 7 years to do a 7-figure exit. Stop looking for simple solutions

@slhamilton11 Then you're lying to yourself about reality. Most people are not born with trust funds. If they don't work they starve to death. Virtually no one chooses to starve to death.

If you mean "no one puts in the work at the right ideas to make billions" then you just reduced the problem to inspiration again.

The work isn't what determines success, it's just the random luck to have the right work to be inspired to do.
@maximum451 A lot of the thought process is around getting used to launching products and not beating around the bush. Committing to launching in one month forces you to ideate, validate, productize, and launch without wasting any time. It’s more of a disciplinary exercise than anything, but if you happen to strike gold with one of your ideas then that’s awesome too.

I bet almost everyone can relate to having an idea graveyard where they started working on something and tossed it aside when they got another big bright idea. This aims to avoid that.

It’s definitely not for everyone but I can see why it works for some people.

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