it took 3.5 years but we crossed USD 100K MRR. AMA

@meduhsinman yeahhhhh this is the stuff that makes me want to go back to a paycheck, heh

My bet this year is to go upmarket and sell more to Enterprise, which we've proven we can do. A lot of people think this is a mistake (and maybe they're right), but the top of the market has budget, cares about quality, and can typically suss it out. I'd rather bet there than on small companies as rates rise
@chanhhobieu Curious why people think targeting the highest WTP customer segment is a mistake?

Apart from having bigger budgets and scale, Enterprise also spends more on custom solutions - so the notional cost savings are higher.

Yes, sales cycles is exponentially slower, but sounds like a good long-term move.
@chanhhobieu #2 is a classic I have it from both angles new and old startups both over promise and disappoint the market.

Makes it a lot harder to market to the crowd than it needs to be.
  • AI website builder (then the product is just a few blocks and text changing)
  • Announce AI and doesn't ship for 9+ months
  • Promise no-code and then require code for the core features
Lovely stuff.
@chanhhobieu Love your passion. Keep it up!
Just one quick question though. According to Ycombinator's pricing model, comany must provide 10x value to its pricing. How much do you agree and may i ask how much your standard pricing is?

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