Stop villifying jobs and start doing this instead (My new no B.S perspective on jobs)


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Stop villifying jobs and start doing this instead (My new no B.S perspective on jobs)

Far too many people have been "brainwashed" by these social influencers who made a ton of money from creating online businesses. Due to this, a growing number of people have started their own businesses or are stressing out about starting and working on a side hustle.

And I'm not saying this is a bad thing but with this, comes the villainization of ordinary jobs which pay consistently and decently well.

This perspective of all jobs being bad and only being your own boss is good is just bizzare to me.

Because let's be honest, if every person or even if about 500 million people had their own online scaleable businesses which have little employees, the amount of options consumers in that niche have is just extraordinary.

What I think is people who DON'T want to start businesses or are mildly consider it should strive to have a performance based job (A job which pays according to your performance).

Don't get this confused : Having your own business is performance based but for those who don't want to be stressed out over their desk at night about financing, find a "job" or something you can do that's not only secure, but also performance based.

An example of a performance based job would be sales, which is a highly competitive environment btw. In many companies and agencies and startups around the word, Salespeople make commission (A percentage or a fixed amount of money from the total sale price of the product goes to the Sales person for selling that product). This way, they have an amazing incentive to sell more and push the envelope further everyday.

This type of job will not only help you earn more money, but it will also satisfy you more and force you to be more competitive.

I don't know man, just some thoughts I had last night.

Now if you're mildly interested in the world of startups or even business in general, I share game changing startup ideas and thoughts like this in my newsletter ( .

I'd love to hear your perspective on this topic :)
@matt86 You can start by providing value. Try to make it more transparent who you are and why people should listen to you. Listening to a random stranger spouting arbitrary thoughts does not convey a sense of worthiness or value.

Making money online is tough, anyway. Good luck.

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