Taking my first step after 6 years


New member
Hi everyone! After 6 years, I am finally starting my entrepreneurship journey. I thought this subreddit might be a good place to share my story.

I used to work for a software company to design apps. During my time there I worked on several high-level projects. I am passionate about what I do, and I am happy about my high-paying annual salary.

On July 30th, 2021, I finished my 6 years journey working on a job I absolutely loved. I got a new job, cofounding a long-time friend and collaborator.

Leaving my well-paid tech job to pursue a not-so-well-paid startup life is a tough decision. What makes it easier is a mindset that I have been put onto myself: I’m buying a year of time with my old salary. Who wouldn’t buy time with money if they can?

There are two main reasons why people spend money:
  • a) for consumption, like foods, or movies;
  • b) for investment.
I’m buying my time as an investment. Compared to my cushy tech job, obviously, this is a really risky investment.

Staying at my corporate job would be similar to investing in an index fund. It averages at a healthy APY and thanks to compound interest, I will see a steady return over a long period of time.

Starting my own company would be similar to investing in cryptocurrency. It is looking for that steep growth by bearing a big risk. Over a short time period, I could lose everything or have a big gain.

This investment is made to myself. I will share daily for the first 30 days about my journey as a founder. I will share more about my problem space and ideas to solve them.

If you are interested, I am building in public and sharing my journey at wentin.substack.com. You can subscribe and follow along for the ride. I hope you'll join me.

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