The 11 best (actually free) AI tools to launch, scale, and run your businesses + side projects more efficiently

@vnct0000 Such as? I haven't seen a single thing done with it that can't be done with chatgpt in a couple of prompts. All the examples are just "toys". Nothing really substantial can be done with it.
@williamortego I'm working on connecting up different systems and platforms to automate processes with AutoGPT. It's tricky connecting up the platforms and you need to train the model first. It's something similar to using Zapier (in a connecting different platforms together example), but you have more control over the connections and can use Ai to improve the content and process output. It can also run autonomously.

The commands can be tricky to master, but with a bit of practice you should be fine.
@the_endless_season I made a new account and yea you only get 25 credits now. You know these things are ever changing. My initial account still has 99 credits, I subscribe to MJ so I only did 1 quick prompt with Bing so far for comparison.

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