The 2 AM Inspiration: Visualize Your Saved Posts & Comments Subreddit-Wise - Roast Away!


New member
On Dec 30, 2023 , at 2 AM, [a Redditor sparked an idea](\_really\_cool\_reddit\_journaling\_thingy\_that\_i/): journal Reddit posts in a tiny black notebook. Inspired, the developer in me, I saw potential in this quirky habit. Eager to explore Reddit's API and contribute to the community, Ir spent two happy days coding a basic version of [RaspberryRack]( This tool curated personal saved Reddit posts & Comments by Subreddit, initially simple but with plans for features like search and categorization. Grateful for the encouragement from fellow Redditors, creating this tool was a labor of love, blending technology with the charm of journaling. It was a joyful new year gift to the Reddit community, born from a small notebook idea.

P.S: It's absolutely free for lifetime :)

Checkout the tool here: [RaspberryRack](

Let me know your thoughts as feedback and wish you a very happy new year!!