Think being customer-centric isn’t vital to drive sustainable business growth? Think again. (Opening a discussion.)


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It sounds basic enough, but I've got 7 strategies to drive-up your sustainable growth, the customer-centric way:

While new customers decide your growth, your existing customers drive your sustainability. (Forbes said it first, or Jeff Riman of King Kanine did, in a Forbes article.)

I'll just cut to the chase and get started:

#1. Find your Unique Growth Driver: Research within your business to find the capabilities that set you apart. Offer value, inclusivity and also exclusivity to your customers.

#2. Drive a Relationship-focused Business Model: Stay in touch with your customers, but on a personal level. Focus on consistently solving your customer’s issues and upgrading your value offerings.

#3. Promote Multiple Feedback Channels: Provide various feedback channels with easy accessibility. Keep your communication lines open, quick and responsive at all times. Engage despite the happy reviews.

#4. Review the Costs & Pricing: With Freemium plans being the current rage, review your cost and pricing to create a more flexible plan that accommodates your customer’s unique needs.

#5. Support your Customer. Ticket or not: Offering support doesn’t just mean providing quick, proactive and efficient resolutions. Build your customer up and support their needs with personalized value offerings and curated knowledge base.

#6. Make your Processes Transparent: The pandemic has created a renewed need for trust between customers and brands they interact with. You need to keep it very transparent on how you’ll help customers achieve their goals. Avoid misleading information and over-deliver.

#7. Update your Customers: (And your employees, of course,) on exactly how their contribution has led to growth. Answer the following questions for them:
  1. How have they aided your and your team’s growth?
  2. How have their contributions impacted on the community/ environment or even an individual?
  3. How do you appreciate their contributions to your and the community’s growth? (Think CSR initiatives, incentives and value-benefits.)
What do you think, legit or just meh? Opening up a discussion here on your opinion on the subject.
@septagon I find that people really underestimate the WEALTH of value and knowledge that your current customers hold.

These are people who experience the problem you're trying to solve, and like your solution enough to give it a go.

Most of the time if I'm working on new copy, new positioning, design, channels, content (I could go on...) and I don't know where to start or what would be most valuable - the answer is usually: ask your customers.

What are they thinking about? What are they reading? What are they struggling with?

Understand these people, and then finding more people just like them will be so, so much easier.
@jod4711 Exactly. You nailed it. Talking to your customers opens a ton of of insights on where your business can improve or provide value for everyone, team and customers alike.

The need for user insights is so important.
@jod4711 Nothing can actually be compared to falling in love with your customers because in their actions lies the gateway to more sales and also improvement of the product also. great one

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