This is how YC works. "We accept idea stage" is a partial myth that gives regular people hope

@rebelde There was a video by Michael and Dalton, and I recall Michael saying “but you got into Stanford!” to Dalton, and that Michael wasn’t particularly impressed by his own school. Keep in mind, Michael went to Yale. He did concede that it was through Yale that he met the Twitch founders and that changed his life.

I suppose a takeaway is that Stanford/MIT/Harvard are on a tier of their own. Other schools are still good, but just don’t have the same “wow” factor.
@aliciaew Yeah, that's the point. They're hoping to capture some of these "potential unicorn" people at a super-early stage, way before they can slap a value on their company.

The reason the "elite pedigree" matters is because it's shorthand for the type of person that is super-motivated and already possesses a track record of realizing their ambitions.

It isn't meant to encourage Joe Schmoe with a Great Idea to apply. It's meant to encourage the people who are the most likely to succeed anyway to give YC a chance to cut in and benefit from (and okay, support) their trajectory as early as possible.
@aliciaew Its funny how custom GPTs made 50% of their last batch obsolete... maybe they should ad grit and hard work to the criteria rather than a fancy name on a cv
@aliciaew I was looking at some of the companies from my area that got in past iterations and I questioned the whole Y system since most of them are unknown or out of activity
@aliciaew If you would like to be part of broader initiative - we plan to connect with multiple investors - connect with us and be part of community of Founders who applied and got rejected.

We are building a community of founders who have applied for YC and have received rejection letter. Our goal is continue this collaboration happening on reddit and provide founders the much needed momentum they need to continue building.

If you are interested in being part of collaborative community of fellow founders, please visit us at

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Let's keep building and be part of this community
@aliciaew I don’t know about that - while most of the time they do fall into these categories there are always exceptions. It’s the reality that most smart and ambitious people go to university (as much as we dislike the education system)

And whenever there are those exceptions you guys come on here and shit on them anyway claiming they’re undeserving. You can’t have your cake and eat it too 🤷🏼‍♀️

I get it though. Sometimes you gotta cope.

Also, you don’t see the existence of “idea stage” companies on YC’s site until they launch with a product, so theres really no way to tell which of these companies was initially accepted as just an idea. Only 14 companies have launched so far for W24:
@aliciaew 7 may be important.

It was good fun trying to draw as short-term progress & traction as possible with a deadline, will focus on my life and company now.

Made me see something wrong with the "grindset" etc. etc., so that's learning I guess.
@halltc All around probably. Although it’s an added bonus for the technical founder to come from an engineering background/ computer science university or job (MIT, Stanford, Apple, Google, etc).

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