Timestamp system using Geolocalization


New member
Hi Folks, I need your advice/comment on a small system I wrote few years ago. Here's a quick summary of the project:


Many companies requires that every employee have to provide a proof about how much time they spent at work. Usually a third-party companies provides a syetem using Type - 2 Authentication (Something you have) to timestamp at given location on a dedicated hardware.
Once an employee "timestamp" the information is sent to a server to track and compute how much time employee work during the day.
This approach has the following weaknesses/drawbacks :
  • Hardware system need to adapt to the HR system in way
  • Expensive to maintain or in licences fee
  • System can be immutable - Location of timestamp device can't be change easily
  • Those system are "blackbox" in term of source code etc
Proposed solution

My system propose to use employee's device as timestamp device and based on Geolocalization to allow people to timestamps.
The HR have a dedicated tool that allow them to :
  • Define for each employee a authorized zone where people can timestamps using googlemaps
  • Compute how many time they spent per hour/per months/per year
  • Manage employee device allowed timestamping (Employee contract has been terminated, device lost and change device)
  • Import data from calendar (Weekend, holidays, employee work hours)
  • export data to an other system or generate report
Business use case
  • A compnay that wants to lower its costs
  • A company where employee are travelling (like services to people and so on)
* 1 year

Estimated Cost of developpment and first release
  • 6 mo with 2 developpers to finish a MVP (1x Frontend , 1 x backend)
  • 1 year 1 manager to look for customers and build everythig
  • Cloud instances
  • 1 web site
  • Phones to tests
Buisiness models
  • On-premise for big companies : Cost of onsite installation and maintenance
  • As a service for individuals or small companies :
What do you think ? Is it worth contnuing the project
@asquinta > What do you think ? Is it worth contnuing the project

do you have any customers willing to pay?

if not - you should try to find clients before investing 12 man-months of dev time.
@alaind That my question. I need to know what could be the potenial of that idea. Do you think there's a market that needs that or this is something not really relevant.
@asquinta You should look at all your competition first to see what you bring to the market that gives you an edge over them. Because im pretty sure using geolocation to track employees phones exist. I do like idea and do think companies would use this.
@vidar Yeah I will. In my perspective there's two things. Build the solution as collextion of modules that can be easily integrated into existing system (for big companies, customizing the sw and integrating is where the money come from except for subscription) and for the "as a service" the idea is to offer service for moving work like delivery service and adressing 2 to 3 person business where regular solution that would be too expensive for them.

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