I Spent 5 Months Testing and Refining a Spreadsheet Based Employee Grading System

@man_in_pain So OP, you’re faced with a resounding negative response to the baby you incubated for a good amount of time. What will you do in the face of this feedback?
@man_in_pain Your system isn't fool proof. Metrics like this are easily gamed. We did this shit in retail. Beg for high scores so we don't get in trouble.

And people like you are why this keeps happening. You are patting yourself on the back when in reality your amazing metrics are being gamed
@man_in_pain Cool idea, couple of startups tackling this problem by using net promoter scores etc, this is also on the list for one of the biggest HRtech trends for 2019/2020.

Most companies don’t have clarity around individual, team and department performance. I think regardless of people like it or not, companies will implement this if it increases efficiency and clarity.

However, making scores public might be bit of an issue. If your boss knows your grade that’s all that really matters but if your coworkers know well then it could become in issue in numerous ways.
@man_in_pain I don't think this is a ridiculous concept at all, in fact I'm confident you have the opposite problem. Giant tech behemoths like workday and oracle are already shoulder deep in this problem. And of course they have the resources and skills and maybe most importantly data that come with it. There's also quite a few startups on this subject. Another big issue is that this is not a spreadsheet-friendly problem. This is how gen xers may have hand waived towards this problem but not something appropriate for 2020.
@man_in_pain Why not just become a very bad high school teacher with that sort of attitude. Heaven forbid you humanise your employess and learn where their particular strengths are.

Micromanagement by definition, is the waste of at least two people's time.

People want to know that they're valued for their performance, but also for being living human beings.
@613jono You don't understand how this system works if you think it's remotely dehumanizing. It's measured quality metrics. Not micromanagement. If anything is the opposite of micromanagement because the metrics are results based not process based. No one is breathing over anyone's shoulder, metrics are reviewed monthly.
@man_in_pain To be fair, that's a pretty good point about allowing for autonomy and not micro managing, but I'm still very skeptical of it over a longer term than what you've tested it with so far.

There's opinions on either side and I'd like to see a follow up in 6 months.

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